Great, so now I gotta spend an extra 2 days in LA?
Great, so now I gotta spend an extra 2 days in LA?
Loved this game. Though I thought it was a bit grindy before mission 7 I believe. I had to grind previous mission quite a bit in order to get past that part. Makes me think it’s a one off
I actually think this move is Bungie driven. When they failed to release Destiny in 2013, their economics in terms of profit sharing went down because Bungie was stupid enough to sign that agreement. Sure ATVI will benefit from this move as well, but Bungie has the incentive to go this route too.
Played Valkyrie demo on Oculus and it was sick. I know it’s coming to Morpheus as well so I’m psyched
I stopped playing Destiny when Fallout 4 and Battlefront came out. And I have to say I am much happier. When I played Destiny, there always seemed to be some overwhelming sense of urgency to get through the daily tasks and get as many raids in as possible. It became all consuming and took up 100% of my free time. I…
Ugh fucking Maxson. I would want to leave some of the Brotherhood alive but I am just not sure if that’s viable. Haven’t progressed on the storyline since all these choices have come up.
That’s a great point. In FO3, the Brotherhood had the people’s interest at heart. And the Brotherhood Outcasts in FO3 had more of the original Brotherhood mandate. So I am guessing the Brotherhood in FO4 is actually from the Brotherhood Outcasts from FO3?
Please do offer up some insight to your incredibly in-depth analysis. How is it terrible? There are moments where I am distracted by how awesome the game looks I am just wondering around the map getting shot. Then there are moments where I am blasting rebel scums away like there is no tomorrow. What basis do you have?
You guys should report more on the financials of each major game as well. Revenue, units sold, cost of production, royalties. You guys still have better access to people who are willing to talk than the rest of us. Put that to good use.
I got to try Battleborn during e3 and had a good bit of fun with it. The massive coop multiplayer aspect was really awesome, i think it was well beyond the 4 player limit of Borderland.
What do you mean bro? Fallout 4 is around the corner and Battlefront is just down the block.
Imagine how difficult this is for me when I actually have to figure out how many units they sold based on all this mumble jumble. My answer, up to end of 3Q, 12.456mm units of vanilla. 3.973mm units of TDB, 3.57mm units of HOW, 4.626mm units of TTK. Figures are worldwide and include packaged goods and digital…
You are all missing the all important acquisition multiple. Also 5.9bn is an equity value. You have to subtract the cash that King has to get to enterprise value. Deal is actually not expensive when you look at enterprise value to ebitda. Still I think it’s a stupid deal and a distraction.
Kind of hit the nail on the head there with Destiny. I am as hardcore of a player as the next guy, but the current hard raid prevents me from progression basically. Oryx too hard beat at 308 light with a scrubby team, so basically have to grind the first part of hard raid over and over until 310+ to have a real shot…
you guys aren’t in the hardmode raid 24/7? bleeding casuals
Got a CP for Aetheon. Running relic like usual. Aetheon had full health with 20 seconds left. Have a moment of doubt on whether we can kill him. Then his health goes down by a third after first salvo, then he dead, Aetheoff.
His other works are great, but this bastardization of whatever it’s supposed to be is retarded. Incom would never be caught dead making something like that
I only kneel and pray to RNG for a few seconds though. How long do you kneel?
The wolf adds like another 6 inches to your head. I wonder if you hit the wolf, does it count as headshot
Not sure if that’s true. I am 300+ and keep rolling 300 ghost shells and low 300 weapons