Beat me to the punch on reuse & recycle; just came here to say that the previous article is almost irrelevant if you're willing to build based on used hardware.
I put together what would have spec'd out about $1200 from Dell for ~$500 through a combination of a used box, processor and ram, alongside a new (at the…
but a more accurate one is stanced Miata. It's fast until you meet a pothole.
Don't expect reasonable discussion from a bunch of forum trolls that hate on any driving that doesn't involve nomex and sponsorships.
I, for one, welcome our police state cheerleaders.
"around the ex-Marine base where the event was held."
So did you get a tour of the agent orange dumping / burial site too? The litigants claiming higher incidences of cancer are a result?
Thank you for posting this. I remember now why I avoid Jezebel like the plague; it reflects the void back sometimes.
Best of luck with the ED thing, I think the same way often, but I consider that to be a facet of poverty - not a psychological disorder. Read "Making Us Crazy" sometime; big pharma makes huge amounts…
Or fat Yuropoors in a race with fat Amerifats on who can have the fatter population per capita. Hooray food like products and rising food costs.
Oh look, some cliched, hackeneyed BS argument about how obscurity or rarity makes a car good.
Tell it to the Miata, buddy. Drivers car > crap that burns to the pavement.
So this article is a pretty clear failure of Jalopnik to cite to sources, or even analyze the content it posts through crowd sourcing 'information' from biased sources like Mr. Petrochemical over there. Actual journalism > printing fairy tales.
These flagrant threats to the photosynthetic processes of our semi-citizen food products have been allowed for too long; no longer! It is time to realize a coherent plan of national defense of our inalienable rights to sunlight.
Once I too was a dumb, underfunded "tuner" kid. I can confirm for you that the steering wheel on the car is an Ebay special and flexes more than an Olympian gymnast.
Judging from that alone, I'd be weary of further "modifications." On the upside, Del Slows are kind of fun, and $3k isn't totally awful, though I've seen…
Minivans and SUVs are the worst perpetrators on the road, outside of maybe Camry's.
I'm going to go ahead and agree with the 'study' even if it was just some dude's excuse to pay his friends to play GT5.
lol@4providers without mention of Virgin Mobile (which out competes every metric I saw there).
I wish this was more uncommon than it sounds. I've got a B.S. degree completed May 2012, but I'm making $3/hr less than I was 2 years ago without a degree. Needless to say I've been on the prowl for 2 years for good opportunities.
That said, too many employers once we get deep into the interview process definitely want…
It probably isn't as much a logistics nightmare as it is an insurance claim.
FedEx had a truck burn to the ground with a $1200 turbo on it I was sending to some dude in Chula Vista, CA from Maryland; I'm sure they have a way of determining the packages on that specific flight and then contacting shippers
You probably shouldn't immediately do it again the day after if that's how you feel afterward. Sometimes it can be much better to do 3 on 4 off work out schedules, or even more time when starting out. I'd recommend in between down time to give your body the time it needs to not injure yourself immediately and get…
Oh I don't, but in my case locally UMUC has virulent advertising campaigns which saturate a good part of the MD/VA/DC area with their "degrees for working adults" spiel, which cuts both ways.
This is unfortunately how many desk jobs are. I'm stuck under people that come to me to have their problems solved, while I'm making half as much, because I got my degree online through UMD and haven't pursued anything past a B.S.
"The study leverages the fact that cell phone usage goes up measurably after 9PM when rates go down. Despite this increase in cell phone conversations, many of which take place while driving (they found that 81% of cell phone users admit to talking on the phonw while driving)"
Except that isn't "proper scientific"…