
HacDC is the same way; they're great people, but the monthly cost is out of reach for a brokeass like me.

Warning: Author may not understand the word literally.

nubs for her pleasure?

Wall of Fire gun was best gun in the original. I have many fond memories of playing this on an IBM PS/2 (Personal System 2 - back when that wasn't just a connector standard) with a lightning fast 386. it as blantantly racist as the original?

Shut up and take my caps if so.

Making up the law doesn't make it true. If they dissembled your entire vehicle and failed to return it to an operable state, there's this thing called a lawsuit that helps the common citizen in times of need.

"...Utah to Texas yesterday from Utah."

Proofreading means the Redundancy Department of Redundancy doesn't frown upon your repetition.

I'd recommend you try again on a recent patch, zombies are vicious if you're not playing every map like Splinter Cell.

5' 10" here, and I'm at the far end of being able to fit comfortably in one. I do occasionally have to stoop down behind the windshield to keep an eye on lights.

I'm also going to have to do a foamectomy on my seats to fit in it with cage + helmet.

No zergface, no care.

Me neither, especially after Gawker ran an article noting that suits had been uninvited to Defcon this year by the founder/promoter.

I believe they call that "Planned Obsolescence" in engineering jargon; it's why I stayed away from the HTC One on a recent phone upgrade run.

I tend to fall behind the average marketing curve though; I often buy quality used for half or less of what sticker on the carrier's site is when its a few months - year old.

There is little more desirable than a woman with keen grammatical skills.

"Sure, many of us have done dumb stuff on public roads when, but hopefully by now, we know better."

Okay, I may have lied a little, the car thing is still hot, but your aside reads funny. Mayhaps a semi-colon or parenthesis are in your future?


Yeah, we should totally pay more for a product that is often a lackluster excuse to bilk someone who paid $60 for our product for further $ down the line. See: EA Games marketing model.

This, and logic like it, are why I bootleg and buy after GOTY editions religiously. You know that saying about a fool and his money?

No you should totally just blame one side of the same political coin like the guy above with tons of responses. What do you mean Democrats and Republicans alike vote favorably for free trade agreements that make the American worker less competitive? Unions were responsible for keeping wages up, child labor laws, sick

I'm not going to win any awards for this, but:

A) Street racing is perfectly safe (for others) if you're doing it in the sticks on a deserted road with no chance of hitting pedestrians - not down town in a city center like a complete idiot. I've lost a car to a drainage ditch, and had to repair many a body panel.

Massive sound system is all Type S not Type R (+15 HP) speakers, what a wasted opportunity to add more power.

I do kind of have a soft spot for murdered out cars though; so many times temptation has come knocking while figuring out paint for the Miata.

I'm not listed in the local phonebook, and my phone is a borderline burner with no-contract. Doesn't apply to me, but solid point regardless.

"up to a hundred people could have the same one."

I hope you're not talking about 5 digit zips, because news flash: thousands can have the same one.

Good price for a beater car, but I'd wager the transmission is on its way out. My parents have owned 4 and counting of similar models of S80, 960, etc. All of them have their quirks. One killed itself due to timing belt failure, two died because my parents drive like most horrific old people, and one because the