Georf's Divine PUNishment

I am still super curious about which pages were the ones that gave that girl the vapors.

Wow. I look forward to Gawker and Jezebel tearing apart her future career with the GOP and then Fox Fucking News.

That is key for the love ofof reading, and something a lot of schools don’t understand. Rarely a ten year old will love “the classics”, and if you force him/her to read them, they will most surely hate them the rest of their lives. But teach them to love reading and they will read them when they are ready, and maybe

Leekleek, leekleek.

I preferred Ms. Pac-Man because it only cost nineteen cents to play rather than the full quarter necessary to play Pac-Man.

“Actually, no one knows how to pronounce it because nobody was alive back in dinosaur days, so uh...“

5) If you’re putting in a fight scene, make it God Damn good & memorable

It’s a Baby Boomer saying “Hey, I don’t like this future I’m in. I was promised a different future. I want THAT future back! Gimme gimme gimme.”

Oh MAN that Silence of the Lambs reference!

I can also see your point, thanks for the reply, have a nice day :)

I would try to defend myself, but, honestly, you’re not wrong. I didn’t exactly take the high road, but, also, I feel no guilt. One of my absolute biggest pet peeves is that particular kind of “You’re enjoying it wrong! YOU’RE RUINING EVERYTHING!!!” Attitude, which is especially prevalent in the gaming community,

Every time I see the protomen live i have to resist the urge to try and make a run with their custom, microphone wired, Megaman and protoman helmets.

You get a star just for telling someone to stop being “salty”. Excellent word choice.

I find it hilarious that people like you are salty about other people putting in the extra work to try and make their cosplay look better. Cosplay is at the fundemental level dressing up to represent a certain character, whether its amateur or professional.

Isn’t the idea behind cosplay just representing characters from a game or show?

that's remarkably similar to my experience with your wife just last week.

That's what I was wondering, too.

Are you kidding? I got paid to make fun of Frank Miller. My job is AWESOME.