Georf's Divine PUNishment

I would try to defend myself, but, honestly, you’re not wrong. I didn’t exactly take the high road, but, also, I feel no guilt. One of my absolute biggest pet peeves is that particular kind of “You’re enjoying it wrong! YOU’RE RUINING EVERYTHING!!!” Attitude, which is especially prevalent in the gaming community,

Every time I see the protomen live i have to resist the urge to try and make a run with their custom, microphone wired, Megaman and protoman helmets.

When geeks and hipsters collide, the result is not pretty....

You get a star just for telling someone to stop being “salty”. Excellent word choice.

I can’t seem to decide what particular flavor of killjoy/shitbird/asshat you are. Like, what’s the cause of your, seemingly unwarranted, shitting all over professional cosplayers? (or apparently any higher quality cosplayer in general)?



She must be existed from fighting so many old gods.

I fed him peanuts during the movie.

Would you apply that same logic to books as well?

Everything seems like it could be the worst movie ever, until you watch “suckerpunch”. Then you’re like “oh, ok, THIS is the hard cap for how bad a movie can be!”

I’m guessing you’ve never met my good friend, Octodad?

I can't accurately describe the sound of pure joy that is coming from my throat, but its like, a high pitched whine...

Yesssssssssssss. There may be hope for this world yet!

Omg, Misfits is one of my favorite shows ever, so consider me hyped!

I think the problem is, by that point you just don't give a shit about the original mission. Like, I would have been happy with another few hundred pages of small town LIVING.

See, you seem to hate the part of the book that make me decide it was my favorite of his in years (if not period). I absolutely love the second half of the book (Post-Derry) because it's really just, you know, the characters LIVING. And falling in love. And living mundane, but happy, lives. Jake is happy, he fits in,

I very much enjoyed this book, but, yeah, the conclusion is pretty obvious pretty early on and so it doesn't exactly work as the "twist" it wants to be. Also, the world feels pretty similar to "the last of us" which is, in my book, a good thing, but I suppose some might find it too familiar.

As long as your name is Kirito, everythings gonna work out O-K.

They compliment each other really well. After my ps4 purchase 2 months ago, my sony collection is complete, and I always find myself impressed with the awesome little ecosystem they form. I love being able to, with relative ease, quickly load a current save onto my vita so I can play ps1 rpgs on the go, or using the