Georf's Divine PUNishment

Dammit, you took my first choice. The Golden Compass just completely annihilated any religious overtones from the storyline, which, you know, is a problem since THE STORY DOESN'T FUNCTION AT ALL without those themes. It seems like they would have been unable to even continue the trilogy even if it had done well.


Let's find out...…

Seriously, screw these idiots soooooo hard. Like, no matter what the controversial issue (pro-life vs. pro-choice, capital punishment, etc.) both sides are going to have at least a few valid points (though, some of them may have to reach a bit) but

Omg, what a beautiful story that game has.*tear*

Why no Stephen King? His insanely interconnected multi-verse folds into itself at so many points that it's practically a tesseract. Hell, you can even pick out different mini-verses (floors of the dark tower?) like (names designated by me) The Derry-verse, which includes It, Dreamcatcher, and 11/22/63 (no coincidence

I've always preferred the 3 books after enders game in the original quartet, they're much higher concept and not just "99 percent battle room".

Stick it out with Vanille. At the beginning of 13, she had me wishing for death (mine or hers) by the end she was my favorite character. That whole "drifting accent" thing never really gets much better though. : /

I hate the fact that they could have just stuck to the damn book and had an extremely compelling miniseries with the benefit of having to spend so much on special effects. But that would have been too easy.

Don't bring up Pushing Daisies, you're gonna make me cry.

It's exactly what I ...SPHEREd?

I own it and I've still not managed to make it a full hour in. It's just so....blah.

Same. It's a ton of fun and an absolute pleasure to look at.

I have that problem with the attack on titan manga. It feels like its an unfinished product. The anime has some of the best animation I've seen in years, and the manga has...motion lines, and awkwardness.

Thats pretty much how I feel about Sword Art Online. It almost singlehandedly got me back into anime (with some help from Kill La Kill and attack on titan) and I love it to an unreasonable degree, but I'm plenty aware it fall into the "slightly above average" category at best. Asuna is one of my favorite female

ORIGINAL pitch black was glorious, every time they've re-released it the formula has gotten progressively worse.

Dont forget about the time the Doctor killed Satan.

it took them like 3 damn years to finish the Namek arc

YOU GO STRAIGHT TO HELL! You know how hard it is to forget that movie exists!? ....and then I see those faces.....

Same here. If the only thing I knew about the movie was the title, I would have assumed it was a Lindsey Buckingham biopic.

It's depends on the genre. I'll happily sink 100-200 hours into a (good) rpg/Jrpg (like Lost Odyssey, which is a modern classic) , but when it comes to more action oriented fare (shooters, 3rd person action games) or wonderful little artsy indie darlings, I'd rather them deliver me a properly paced, more

Omg, tell me about it! (well, you already did, but nvm that) I feel like I'm in some sort of rpg nirvana since I got my 3dsxl and, more recently, my Vita (Which I, and my siblings, think is easily the most underrated system since the Dreamcast).