Georf's Divine PUNishment

I was really expecting to love it, but was ever so slightly disappointed. The whole retro 8 bit feel to the music fills me with glee, and I loved MOST of the character designs. But I couldn't get used to the weird duck face they gave the pudgy one, and his dad's design rubbed me the wrong way. That being said, I still

This pun thread is kind of... Shitty.

I've never hit another human being in my life, and would never even consider hitting a woman, but, damn, if I ever saw Jenny McCarthy on the street... I'm not sure I could resist the urge.

Go with th XL for sure. Its more comfortable (imo), the big screen is great (and makes the 3d easier to see), and the zelda one is boss as hell (I like my pokemon one a little better, but just a little). It won't fit in my skinny jeans, but it fits in my work pants just fone, and theyre just normal fit khakis. Not an

Please ignore any spelling errors and/or missing words. Its 5 am here and I'm not sure how to edit my comments : /

Bayonetta is easily my second favorite 3rd person action game of all time ( only topped, slightly, by the new DMC which is pretty much PERF) but I'm not sure how I feel about an anime : / bayonettas was batshit crazy, and being able to do all those crazy things while fighting made it a completely unique experience,

Are you talking about mirror of fate? Its actually a port of the most recent (and only) 3ds castlevania game. Its bridges lords of shadow and lords of shadow 2 storywise. Its not a great game, but id say its worth 15 bucks if (like me) you're starved for a new metroidvania game. The art direction is terrible, and

Portrait of ruin is callin my name right now.

There's only one character I hold a bigger grudge against in the WD universe, and thats Lily. Fuck Lily.

I stopped for a good while after the prison arc because things were just getting boring and not really going anywhere. Then a couple of months ago I was bored at work and just grabbed one of the more recent trades and started reading, and, holy shit, it got real good real fast. Negan is such a crazy unpredictable

You wouldn't consider the mist and the stand to be horror?

Shawshank, stand by me, the grn mile, the mist, the suprisingly decent adaptation of the stand...

I quite liked doctor sleep, it was . SoliD "B", but there we're a few glaring problems that kept me from loving it.

Did yo read 11/22/63? I found tht book to hhave some of his best characters in years, which made any painful moment hurt all the more, since I actually cared about them.

Oddly, man boobs are ok as well. Like on the lat season of the venture bros. Seargent Hatred grows so ginormous boobs and they show them uncensored a few times throughout the season. I just found it a little odd.

Not really sure where to post deals, but, at meijers if you buy the red or blue pokemon 3dsxl you get a copy of Paper Mario: Sticker Star (40 dollar value). Pretty awesome deal, picked myself up the red one.

Not really sure where to post deals, but, at meijers if you buy the red or blue pokemon 3dsxl you get a copy of Paper Mario: Sticker Star (40 dollar value). Pretty awesome deal, picked myself up the red one.

Not really sure where to post deals, but, at meijers if you buy the red or blue pokemon 3dsxl you get a copy of Paper Mario: Sticker Star (40 dollar value). Pretty awesome deal, picked myself up the red one.

Entertainment Weekly, where the review staff doesn't realize there's letters below "B". Seriously, they seem incapable of giving anything a bad review.

I'm in his cap on this one. One of things I always had a problem with when it came to HP is how th magic doesn't have, like, a strict ruleset. There's plenty of times where they just kind of pull stuff out of their ass because she wrote herself into a corner. I'm not saying that fictional universes have to be