I don’t know, but that 66 year old lesbian talking about Clarkson’s twat virus was pretty funny. They should put her on the show.
I don’t know, but that 66 year old lesbian talking about Clarkson’s twat virus was pretty funny. They should put her on the show.
Yeah, is this the first time humans will experience being passengers?
Screw shareholders and screw unions. As a TSLA shareholder I can’t stand that there are those of us who believe we know better than the people who do this for a living how to run things. I believe companies should be run by those who run them and everyone else can take a backseat. If you don’t like it, don’t buy…
Unions are a”corporate boogeyman” because their main purpose is to protect the jobs of people who should be fired. I don’t think any company ever wanted to deal with them.
Something that was glossed over: will Smith is the genie?? Fuck this movie, then. He has no talent and yet keeps on getting cast in these movies. My only hope is the genie is CGIed enough that I don’t have to see the furrowed brow/puppy dog eye look that’s his go to ‘emotional’ face. Pathetic.
It absolutely is what Putin wants, but that’s not why Trump said this – he’s not smart enough to think that strategically. He’s a vicious idiot who happens to believe some things that align with Putin’s interests. Putin provided him illicit support because of that, and has aimed to influence his advisors, but I don’t…
They literally quoted him, how is that a spin.
He’s trying to drive a wedge between Germany and the US, because that’s what Putin wants.
“Do you know fast you were going?”
If by his lead... you mean trying to change the world for the better? People are so riled up over a speedometer, in the grand scheme of things means nothing.
It’s slightly different when you can quickly learn to estimate your speed from your gear and the engine note!
I think this /sarcasm thing is bullshit. What ever happened to a dry sense of humor? Are people really become that infantile, that they can’t recognize it (don’t answer that).
“But Obama...” Nuh uh. Shush.
I don’t think the reasoning here is very sound. As long as there are trade barriers in place, it makes no sense to waste money marketing to Japanese consumers, or producing products that would appeal to them. It’s a chicken and egg problem. As long as the barriers are in place, there’s no business case for putting any…
I could be wrong, but I think we were forced to buy unreliable American cars for too long, then Japanese cars came along and american cars couldn’t match price, build quality or reliability and we are still paying for the stigma of that so many years later, even though we have made great strides recently. Then the…
Its fine the Japanese basically stop for pretty much any turn anyway, its like they are trying to make their tires last the life of the vehicle.
So you’re saying that a homogenous society with a small land mass has a completely different economic culture from a heterogenous society with a large land mass? Thats what it boils down to. No knock against you, Kat, you broke it down perfectly.