
I dunno. I keep pretty detailed stats on my reading and usually have a goal for the year. Last year it was to branch out genre wise which was fun and I read a lot of great stories. However, when I compiled the data, I found 56 of the 75 books I read were by American or British authors, so this year I’m going to try

I feel like this article is missing a reference to the fact that although yes, it is the dry season and forest fires are a natural occurrence, a lot of these were started by farmers trying to clear the land for palm oil plantations.

Hey can you guys maybe stop uploading youtube videos that are only available in America?

I think maybe it’s a bit unfair to blame the Costa Ricans in this case. They take conservation extremely seriously and this appeared to be a one-off event caused by a perfect storm of several other things. They were just understaffed because no one anticipated that many people in what’s usually a deserted area. A lot

Wholphin made a short film of this story staring Selma Blair.

Same here. Okc. Dated for 3 years, married 1. Thanks Internet!

I’ve been lucky in that I haven’t had a lot of this stuff happen to me personally. I’ve tried really hard over the years to perfect a general air of don’t fuck with me or I’ll ruin you. But the industry I was in until recently was mostly younger people (and no ivy league assholes) which I think helped a lot.

TunnelBear is working great! I set mine to Canada and am watching the CBC live stream.