
Is there a way to override the triggers? I'd love to start off with something like "bitch I'm talkin to you!"

Actually those are more Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

I don't begrudge him his money- I sincerely hope he keeps spending it on science education and not on pet monkeys or coke or whatever. I'm just saying that, when I seem him advocating a product, I tend to saunter the other way in a polite yet purposeful manner.

But he does seem to love the idea of science, even if he has no fucking clue what it actually is, so yes, let's just give him a pass.

Your first link leads to a paywall and the second is trying to frame two discredited papers as a sign the peer review process is broken.

Not really sure if you are trying say there. You do know that he not only taught Constitutional Law but a senior lecturer on the subject for 8 years.

"teaching global warming is like Obama teaching about the u.s. constitution..."

So, they watch one movie supported by more than 97% of scientists and then another movie supported by the rest. I hate the idea of giving "equal time" to the latter. I don't give equal time to "flat-earthers", "moon-landing-conspiracy theorests", or other fools. If I went to 100 doctors and all but three of them

" God knows we should all be driving slower..." We'll no...we all need to be driving safer.

This is obviously a bunch of socialist propaganda put together by liberals who want to tax the job creators to give free sex change operations and abortions to gay illegals!

Isn't that the whole point of monitoring, so that you know when to fix them?

That is a nice looking boat, but I think I would rather have this Corvette boat with cues from the classic split window design! This boat is a thing of beauty!

It's Gandhi. You're welcome.

If you didn't rewind a VHS rental tape, that was a $1 fee. So failure to rewind this would be about $1,353 (based on a T-120 tape at 70GB per hour, uncompressed NTSC video).

I personally think Apple has gotten stale since Jobs left us. My opinion though.

Micheal Pennington: Minion, do you recall what Jobs once said about thermonuclear war?

To paraphrase the late Steve Jobs, the guy in the photo is holding it wrong.

And what part of that makes Steve Vai not an utter cheese-ball?