
Jerome approves.'re new here?

Those are both... odd... interpretations.

Says the person who "Sent from iPhone".

Who was apparently fine with Apple's tax evasion loopholes keeping billions of dollars in Irish banks, of their $150 Billion in cash that's literally been pulled out of the US Economy.

Who was fine with paying $650-$850 for that smartphone, that was manufactured in China at higher

I've seen Apple do too much evil to not wonder if they did this in cooperation with the NSA in return for industrial espionage assistance or part of a deal to breeze over their foreign Irish bank tax evasion holdings... but regardless of reason, this wouldn't make me happy if I were an iPhone owner.

If on the other

This repairability has kept my 2006 Mac Pro running for 7 years. It will be retired today when my new pro arrives.

And it's this kind of mindless apathy by the masses that prompted my family to leave Germany before the shit hit the fan. Wouldn't it be ironic if my generation moved back to "escape" the same future in the U.S.?

I don't see any way a 4K phone could ever be anything but wasted graphics processing power. It's just not needed and will be totally indiscernible from 1080p at that size. A 4k tablet, maybe...but a 4k phone?

So I'm going to stick a keychain that cost me $155 with an ever-sharp tip in my pants pocket?
Uh, Brilliant...

The drive streams your media, including documents and video, to your Mac, PC, iPhone, Android, or Kindle, and doesn't need to be plugged in or have a router or an Internet connection to work.


I think you meant to reply to the other guy? 'Cause I agree with you =P

DiNG, DING , DING +100000 I say the exact same thing all the time! If a person can't carry on a conversation without staring at their phone every time it calls for their attention the fault lies with the persons poor social skills and not the tech involved.

I was wondering why apple hasn't included an "add to dictionary" feature yet, since BB 10 and Android and I believe Winphone all have it.

Or, you could go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Shortcuts and add the words using the actual way to do this, rather than using convoluted workarounds.

I think Giz has finally cracked me. I loathe Apple. It's not the smugness of the Apple "Geniuses" that got me. It's not the multiple suicides at Foxconn. Not even the black button up and jean wardrobe requirement for their presenters. No. It's Giz, and their Apple-cannot-do-wrong-ever-attitude.

The causation of the tall buildings and economic downturn is the same: cheap credit. The bubble results in skyscrapers and when the bubble bursts you get a downturn. The tall buildings are just a symptom.

So I guess Braun should declare "thermonuclear war" on Apple? /sarcasm