This was one of the most embarrassing news releases I have ever received as Tottenham fan... and that is an impressive list.
Where do we sign the petition to have pitches of various velocities thrown at the game commentators heads to show off how the rest of us are overreacting cowards?
Players these says are too soft. Back in our day, we wore wool caps and threw balls made of wood and Walter “Indian Killer” Williams would never get upset if he were hit in the face by “Racist Ricky” Stump.
Unbelievable, people are too soft these days. I don’t understand why he’d be mad since he was hit in the head at 86 mph instead of 91 mph. /s
That’s why the most expensive seats are in the lower upper deck and along the outfield wall.
I’m not triggered, you’re triggered! REEEEEEEE!
But there have been tons of injuries, even small ones. At the Astros stadium, even in the club level and lower upper decks you are getting balls that don’t catch the net and coming in hot. Deaths aren’t the only metric we are looking for here and even if that was the case, one death is certainly enough.
Divided by the number of highlight truthers.
Is there any sort of penalty for wasting court time and attorney’s fees? Not rooting for BP but the money wasted here should be going to people that actually, you know, need it.
This... what track team (especially in a championship) doesn’t have a coach/teammate/parent out there calling out splits and lap times? What athlete doesn’t recognize a 12.5% reduction in their times/effort?
There needs to be a disclaimer at the top letting you know that you will be questioning your own mortality within five minutes of reading.
Did they suspect she had warrants or did she have warrants?
Bill Bryson puts it pretty spot on in his book A Walk in the Woods (highly recommend) when he says you could draw a a 2,190 mile line through anywhere in the US and come up with several murders/crimes but it is relatively safe.
So... did they submit the evidence?
The closing spread was Rockets -3.5...
Fuck your facts
This is a weird take. The off court stuff might be over/under whelming depending on your stand and it’s obvious no one likes the whininess... but fuck what a game. These two teams are ready to rip into each other, the officials, the league, whatever to beat each other.
FWIW: Houston fan chiming in. I hate the pettiness of the report. I hate the comments. I hate the assumption of the points. ETC.