
Middle America would lose their collective fucking minds if Maroon 5/Adam Levine cancelled in protest of the NFL. Please do this. Is he on the Voice still? What would happen there? Please do this.

It says a lot when you get more info about the match in the comments.

I can’t wait until the subsequent trial against SafeSport after the civil trial.

This is beyond amazing

I’m sorry officer... I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.

It worked pretty well for the Nazis originally I’m afraid.

Yes... even with health insurance (which you are already paying a monthly fee for most likely) you can look forward to spending thousands of dollars meeting a deductible. These costs can be expected or unexpected depending on your health insurance.

This is bullshit. If you drafted Hunt on your ultimate team without doing any of the minimal prerequisite vetting then you should have him removed from the league.

Uh... I studied anthropology in undergrad. We were constantly working with Native American groups to discover lineages and migratory routes.

I had a guy with a confederate flag covering up the entirety of his back window un-ironically ask me why I still had my Beto sticker on my back bumper a day after he lost the election.

Anthropology is the study of humans. Paleontology is the study of dinosaurs.

Gabe: What kind of music are you into Peter?

These are just heavy ass wok serving dishes that I can’t clean as easily.

These are just heavy ass wok serving dishes that I can’t clean as easily.

This guy fucks

My cat Onyx does that... except it is to lure you and bite the shit out of you. My dad catsat for him once and asked why I had warned him Onyx was an asshole... he bit him on the wrist while he was on the phone with me.

Retweet/comment-wise... what is the most popular and/or controversial tweet ever in the world of chess?

That’s fairly true with anything pro v amateur. The main difference here is that these guys look like everybody else.

I give more credit to the smaller cities and townships trying to bring in an actual industry. Stonecrest could theoretically nearly double in size. Way more valuable than the cost of giving away 365 acres of land. But governments giving away $2.5-8 billion is mind blowing...

Glad to see a European kid stand up to Little Tobacco