I never understand how these work... that fat fuck just told the referee who just announced to the whole goddamned stadium that he’s eligible to receive a pass.
I never understand how these work... that fat fuck just told the referee who just announced to the whole goddamned stadium that he’s eligible to receive a pass.
Tator tots is a far superior side potato dish when it comes to hot dogs.
I feel like the last thing we would want is the USOC building an organization to their design. Another organization whose sole purpose would be to constrain athlete wages in order to protect their own bottom line.
“We don’t need fanatical people. We don’t need anybody here with guns. Why do they have guns? I have dealt with illegals for 30 years, and all of them have been scared, asking for help. The militias need to stay up north where they belong. We have no use for them here. They might shoot someone or hurt someone.”
Well, the Red Sox have to use their relievers too and they won’t have as much flexibility in “wasting” pitchers.
Has he always been this insufferable or have I just matured since I was in college?
They have them already. There are little pagers that you switch from 40 to 25 seconds when the play clock goes out. There is a officiating philosphy behind the delay: you see the clock hit 0, you look to the ball and if it’s snapped when you look, you let it go.
Dean Blandino has never officiated a football game in his life.
Oh for fucks sake
Serious question, how can a stadium that is publicly funded have any say in removing a sign? Is that a violation of free speech?
It is not a safety. The status of the ball is still a kick and a kick that ends in the end zone is a touchback at all levels.
My D3 college football coach would routinely tell players that he was mentally punching them in the face. Looking bad... little odd.
I’m not (blank), but (thing that immediately makes you (blank))
This man has more patience and understanding than I can even fathom.
What a dummy you are
Poor guy can barely afford to polish his World Series ring.
Fake News
It takes a lot of balls to deflect the very media coverage that gets you paid in the millions of dollars a year while you hem and haw at the most important position on the field.
All I could see was that stupid fucking tripod seat that could snap the million dollar ankle of any one of those guys if they stepped on it wrong.