Geoff Keighley

It's better, but the big challenge with games is that you have to PLAY them to understand them. A lot of people over a certain age just don't play games — it's a generational thing. The Fox News debate was a perfect example. The commentators weren't going to spend 10-12 hours in Mass Effect to understand what was real

I don't know, maybe 30 or 40% in the project? I've visited the team at Hello a few times, just spent 6 hours with Sean Murray a few weeks back. Each project has its own rhythm.

No. We tried to get Cooper on Bonus Round once and she declined.

Yes Game Awards 2015 are happening.

Is there someone's interview style you'd like me to study to give you more of what you're looking for?

We don't take back any awards, he was voted as the winner by the public. But I'm fine if people want to debate and discuss.

Well my role over the years has morphed — for something like The Game Awards I have a business I have to run, and that means looking over the editorial and the business sides of the show. That's one of the reasons I didn't personally vote on the awards last year, just to make sure there was no suggested conflict of

I would hope Bethesda has multiple things to talk about if they are doing a big press conference, but I don't know quite what to expect.

It's not a bad idea, I'll think about it.

The Zelda reveal was a surprise to me too. We knew that Nintendo was going to deliver us some new footage of Zelda to close the show, but I had no idea it was going to be such an extensive demo with Mr. Miyamoto and Mr. Aonuma. It really put a smile on my face when I watched the clip only a few days before the show.

Yeah I am working to potentially remaster the old Final Hours stories again. If anyone wants to help drop me a line at

Would love to know why you think I misled people. If you're referring to the tweet I posted about hanging out with Bethesda and planning things, that wasn't related to the Awards. At that time I hadn't even announced The Game Awards was even happening.

No I haven't spoken with Hideo, he is in my thoughts though.

It's always an evolving process. That said, I finally think we have a base we can build on — and tweak — versus having to start from scratch.

Yep, we are hoping to bring back Pachter's show soon!

I'm always looking for great indie games to show off. And I am going to be putting a process in place this year so more indies can submit their games to the show! I want to look at tons of games to consider for the indie slot, and we have some really wild ideas on how to do this. More soon.

Love Mega64! Probably my favorite is when I visited them down tin San Diego for my old Spike show Game Head. I think we filmed the whole show at one of their dad's houses.

Tie in to Last of Us. Don't want to spoil the game if you haven't played.

Is there a particular interview you're referring to? I try to be fair.

Yes definitely!