Geoff Greene

If Barry and Iris can get married as brother and sister, dating your doppelganger from another Earth is totally legit.

Yeah I can see the "logic" there to explain it but really he just has to wait till whatever time in the future to not create any remnants and then Savitar will disappear. He could go and ask how long that is, it's gotta be what a year max since Savitar/Barry doesn't look much older than current Barry.

"It was a #2 pencil to be fair but yeah Barry totally fucked that timeline over with a pencil."

Shit, you're right. Without Iris or Caitlin around to tell Barry to run fasterā€¦.he's basically powerless! Who's going to tell him to run faster?!?!?! Joe? CIsco? Hah! That doesn't fit the model. You're screwed Team Flash.

*After a 100 Barry's.*

But the future is another thing. Totally time travelling to the future.

He didn't leave Snart to die. That's it. He also, did beat up some Argus guards, did steal the power source and his first instinct was to just kill King Shark not disable him.

Probably on an epic bender after Caitlin/Killer Frost crushed him last week.

Killer Frost doesn't want to be a god, she just doesn't want to be on a team of idiots anymore.

That's how committed they are to hating time remnants.

Super speed makes you dumb. Fact. That is a fact.

Barry: "Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you, so I think I can trust you."

That they made a point that Tracy didn't know who the Flash was even after working on a fucking speed cannon with them was just bad. Really not great.

"That's what mercy get's ya."

Iris: "Could you get me some caviar."
Barry: "That's your excuse for me to leave so you can record a video message for me after you've died? Caviar? You could come up with any simple, easy excuse and I would have believed it, I'm really gullible.

That is so Barry it hurts.

Killer Frost: "Hey HR, where's Iris?"
HR: "Oh she's on Earth-2."
Cisco: "Anyone could have made that mistakeā€¦.but dude seriously, she's not even on the team anymore."

Cisco: "Alright Barry, in order to defeat Savitar do not, I repeat do not, create Time Remnants. Do. Not."

A female character of importance to a central *male* character must be shown dying at least a dozen times has to be somewhere in a CW handbook about making superhero shows, to be sure.

No, no, Cisco drew a loop on a white board. A loop. It all made sense.