Geoff Greene

What's really staggering, besides the time travel logical problems, is that in the future, Team Flash shuns this Time Remnant so hard that he goes crazy and becomes Savitar. Which either means Barry is way more thinned skinned than even I thought he was or Team Flash can be just completely assholes to Time Remnants

Joe is clearly going to be the big bad of next season, obvi.

I mean, I wouldn't lend Barry a pen, much less trust him to use it wisely.

"The Philosopher's Stone prevents paradoxes or whatever." - The Flash Writers.

If Barry/Savitar immediately knows/remembers what past Barry knows, why wouldn't future Barry and Co immediately know that being a dick to Barry/Savitar isn't the best plan and break the time loop?

"So even though I broke into Argus, you're just going to give me the power source?"

Barry: "I promised I wouldn't travel back in time again…but I also promised I'd do whatever to save Iris which trumps that first promise. Bet you can't guess what if I'll break that promise when Iris does actually die!"

Lyla: "Can't trust you Barry with the power source Barry, you're reckless."

Snart just summarized every episode of The Flash.

That he didn't immediately put Caitlin in a cell when he saved Cisco/HR/Julian instead of shoving her out of the cell….well if he'd done that this would be a very different show.

In this timeline, Barry fought Savitar every way he knew how and lost. And, presumably, in the timeline that Barry is going create with the knowledge from the future is going to save Iris's life and he beats Savitar. Which means the writers are pretty much saying the only way The Flash can win against a tough opponent

See what we need to do is go to the past and figure out why this show was fun, then go to the future to learn why it isn't fun and then come back to the present to fix it. Simple, easy, Flash logic right there.

Savitar is Lex Luthor?

I think, at this point, whoever Savitar is, surprising, ludicrous or not, our collective response is just going to be "Sure, why not."

Barry/Savitar: Where's my exo suit?
Cailtin: What?
Barry/Savitar: Where - is - my - exo - suit?
Caitlin: I, uh, put it away.

Somehow, despite his super speed, Barry can't catch an enemy who's super powers don't involve speed whatsoever.

"Or, even better, let's go to one of those Earths where Iris doesn't suck and get one a cool Iris, like the one on Zoom's Earth. She was kick ass!"

Future Barry: "Here's the name of the scientist who helped me trap Savitar in the speed force. It might help you, I don't know."

"We really hope!" - The Flash Writers.

Especially when he's already confronted her before and he knows what her powers do. I mean, damn man, fool me once or whatever.