Geoff Greene

Barry: "Tell me who Savitar is Caitlin!!!"

This whole episode channels Calvin and Hobbes where Calvin goes to the future to avoid doing his homework except future Calvin hasn't done his homework because past Calvin didn't do it either.

Barry: "I'm going to confront Top and Mirror Master. And then I'm going to stand there while they use their powers on me."

"What if Flash goes to the future and immediately runs into Mirror Master and Top? What are the chances of that?"

Why do her ice powers come with a healing factor?!? The world may never know….

To be fair, so has Barry.

Barry's going to rob a bank and make it rain all over Central City yall! Boom, new headline.

So I guess Savitar is off what? Binge watching Netflix? Catching up on all that Big Belly Burger he hasn't gotten to eat?

Those meetings just devolve into Barry, Zoom, Thawne and Savitar complaining about time wraiths.

"OK cadets, listen to this carefully. If you're ever in the situation where a loved one is in danger or, godforbid, is being held as a hostage, do not under any circumstances, trust what the hostage taker is saying and just know that your decision making has been comprimised. Your best option is to remove yourself

The writers passed those skills to Julian….who also doesn't seem to use them either.

Barry complaining about having to deal with a villain who just killed two security guards because Team Flash is too busy trying to prevent Iris's death. Mwah, delicious. Pure, uncut Barry's the worst at it's finest.

"Abra Kadabra stole the power source for a time machine from the future room we've basically just been ignoring for literally months. Hmm, I wonder what else might be in there? What, my love interest du jour is here?!?! Forget this stupid room." - Team Flash.

"I mean, what are the odds!" - Cisco

(Barry travels to the near future so he doesn't have to beat up a kid.)

Iris: "How do we even know if Abra Kadabra is telling the truth?"
Barry: "He is Iris, I just know it."

"Ah see I promised I wouldn't travel *back* in time. Nothing about the future. Yup, future's fair game for me to cheat to find the answer. Like skipping to the end of the book to find out who did it." - Barry, World's Greatest Detective.

Adrian: "I did it! I finally did it!"
Talia: "You murdered Oliver? Finally."
Adrian: "What? No. I tortured him so much that he admitted he likes to kill."
Talia: "…..what? Is that what you've been doing there all this time. Who cares about that. I already knew about that! I helped make him a murderer. He murdered my

And that to be Adrian's goal to all this.

Barry and Kara, both fully aware they don't have powers and were told they would die in this world, run into a street filled with bullets and yell stop.