Geoff Greene

"How do I beat Savitar?"

Wally: "I just escaped the speed force where I was reliving the worst moment of my life over and over again. I'll need emotional support from my girlfriend."

Guy walks by walking his dog, see's Savitar worshippers: "Huh….welp that's somebody else's business."

Wally: "You lied to us Barry! Cisco showed me the future, I saw Iris isn't wearing a ring, you're trying to change the future."

That is honestly terrifying and I need to watch that show now.

"Remember when we stopped trusting Barry and everything just got better and saving the city was super easy." - Team Flash, 2 seasons from now, maybe.

For those looking to change their bets on the ole Julian Deadpool:

Barry: "Who taught you to keep secrets Wally, who!!!!"
Wally: "I learned it from watching you Barry. I learned it from watching you!!!"

As soon as he said this, my first thought was this is demonstrably untrue.

I "love" how Barry's plan to defeat Savitar is just to ask him.

XS won't be far behind.

It's the best!

I enjoyed Harry's snark compared to HR's bedazzling the room and Harry actually helping instead of HR's oh right again bedazzling the room.

The start of every Flash episode: Everything is fixed even though it almost certainly isn't. Every show starts with super optimistic and wrong Barry.

This annoyed me in the comics too. Remember reading an issue of Impulse and Bart and his cousin playing video games so fast that they melted. As someone who played (plays) plenty of video games, it wasn't my speed that was the problem.

"We vibed the name of an intersection. All done, no need to look around or wait a few seconds to see what Grodd was planning or anything." - Team Flash.

"Tom. we love the energy and darkness you bring to the Harrison Wells character, we do and we want you to keep playing him."

"My city was in danger of being hit by a nuke and I didn't blow up another city to save it Felicity." - Barry
"Too soon Barry, too soon." - Everyone.

Officer Joe: "Bunch of gorillas walking down Main St. with shields and spears like the own the goddamn place."
Officer Bob: "We still have guns. Like, lots and lots of big guns?"
Officer Joe: "Reckon we do."
Officer Bob: "Think gorillas from another Earth still die when you fill em full of lead?"
Officer Joe: "Reckon

This show never commits to Barry killing. Barry has straight up killed some metas in fights, even if they don't show it. Arrow owns Oliver killing people, Flash is "You're too much of a hero to kill Barry…except when you do."