Geoff Greene

"Just friends huh. Hmmm that knocks his line down in the ole deadpool. Okay folks, 10 to 1 Julian is dead after 4 dates, taking all other bets!"

Barry spends a lot of time making huge displays of affection for Iris, even for a speedster. I mean, inappropriate amounts of time all things considered.

So….Chekhov's RPG?

That was Grodd's backup backup plan. First use Cisco, then Gypsy and if all that fails, Harry…which doesn't make sense since he would have escaped with Cisco…..

So Harry can make breaches but Grodd can't mind control Harry to open said breach?

"Because we couldn't do it without him."

Well clearly they follow The Flash's Twitter and he posted that he was going to be off world so they figured it would be the perfect time for a heist.

Barry: "Sorry Jesse, I don't need someone from Earth-2 who knows the lay of the land and is you know from there mucking things up with this rescue attempt. You stay here."

Iris: "How do you stay so positive?"

Not after Zoom was done with it.

Julian: "What happened to your doppleganger."
Caitlin: "She died."
Julian: "I won't let that happen to you."
Caitlin: "Zoom killed her and Time Wraiths took him so yeah, that probably won't happen to me."

If he didn't that would be one epic interdimensional cockblock.

Barry: "We escaped Gorilla City and Grodd won't be able to invade, the future must be changed! Now how about some quality time for ole Barry."

So Grodd was using his powers to dampen Barry's and Cisco's right, since they said the bars weren't what was keeping them from escaping. And Grodd doesn't know that Caitlin has cold powers since she froze Barry to help them escape.

So was Grodd just waiting in the other room, telepathically controlling Harry, until he could make a dramatic reveal?

Barry: "Hey Grodd, your plan doesn't make like, any sense, btw…..which probably means you're trying to trick me and this guy isn't falling for it…again. Or a third time."

"I'm sorry I haven't called you but you know every time I do I need Cisco to open a breach between worlds and if you thought International calling was expensive!"

Rookie mistake planning for a future you know is going to happen even if you're striving to stop it from happening. That's what the future wants you to do and Team Flash doesn't play by those rules!

I understand Jesse is upset that her father was kidnapped but why would she think that was her Dad? Did she think Barry was waiting to surprise her and say "Your Dad has been kidnapped….by me!!! He's been here the whole time!!!"?

"An audacious type of stupid" would be a good slogan for this show.