Geoff Greene

Cisco: “Samuroid is too powerful. We need to bring back Barry.”

Iris: “I can’t believe you tried to bring Barry back behind my back. How could you!”

Evelyn: "Chase, we're going to kill Oliver right?"

To be fair, Argus needs to hire guards who don't go down from one punch.

So that was really it for that other vigilante named…Vigilante? I know Chase threw him over the side of building but we never saw a body and he seemed more bad ass then that ending. I had money on him being a split personality of Chase's. Oh wells!

And since she's from this world, she would know that the HR/Thawne confessed to murder….

Oh no, thinking, Barry Allen's greatest weakness!

*After lifetimes of being stuck in the Speed Force, Barry is released.*

Harry: "For the last time, I told you I'm not that HR!!!"
Tracy: "And for the last time, I told you I don't care. This is how I grieve by banging dopplegangers of the man I love."
Harry: "….can't argue with that."

"What do you mean they signed a 5 season deal???!?!?! And one of those seasons is based entirely on the weekend of Barry and Iris's wedding?!!!?

Savitar: "I want you to convert this Speed Cannon to some words I just made up Cisco or else I'll kill Caitlin."
*A few hours later*
Cisco: "OK, sure, I did that."
Caitlin: "Even though I know even less than Cisco about this who basically knows nothing, I agree he did it."
Savitar: "Seems legit. My plan B has no flaws in

At least this one wasn't getting murdered.

Iris: "Before you go to Speed Force Jail, could you go undeliver those wedding invitations? Because if you don't it's going to be awkward AF in 6 months."
Barry: "I would but Speed Force Jail is pulling me away, oh no, there's no timeeee….."
Barry's Mom/Speed Force: "We'll wait. That's really rude."
Barry: "….I'd rather

"At least it's not incest! ……is it?" - Cisco

Iris: "You remember STAR Labs?"
Evil Barry: "Yes, I'm fucking Barry from the future. I've been in STAR Labs. A lot."

"Man, how many times am I going to have to bury this H.R. Wells guy?" - a gravedigger in Central City, I'm sure.

Surprised HR's tombstone didn't read:

"A time paradox has an unspecified time before it vanishes. Sure, why not?"
"The Philospher's Stone is a bomb now. Sure, why not?"
"Iris shoots Savitar/Evil Barry at super speed. Sure, why not?"
"Caitlin/Killer Frost defeats Black Flash because cold. Sure, why not?"
"The speed force is going to throw a tantrum and

The man you love was just murdered in front of your eyes. How do your friends help you get over it? Get another version from another Earth who looks identical to him of course!

Next season starts with Barry getting kicked out of the speed force.