Geoff Greene

Wally: "Barry, I was thinking. You know how we race up to the bad guy and tell them that we're there, then they shoot at us, we dodge a couple, invariably get hit for some reason even though we're super fast and then eventually catch the bad guy? How about, instead, we snatch the gun away from the bad guy and knock

OG Welles/Reverse Flash said Barry built it so yeah, pretty sure a super computer from the future's only job would be to let him see the relationship status of Iris.

Step 1: Julian joins team.
Step 2: Caitlin and Julian fall in love.
Step 3: Julian dies because he has to now.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: CW!

Especially since when they vibed to the future, they saw Wells and knew they had changed the timeline. Sure be cool to keep checking on the future to see if the headlines you've "changed" made a difference. But I'm sure Cisco has better things to do, like take a part Plunder's gun or whatever.

Barry: "Hmm the past is pretty malleable. I've sure fucked with it plenty….but maybe the future is fixed. Yeah, that makes sense."

Barry: "I have something to show you."

"He just straight up told me knowing full well I don't like him. And that's why I outed The Flash's identity to everyone." - Julian.

*Finishes reading "Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone"*

Wally: "I'm as fast as Barry! We should tell everyone."
HR: "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I was on a large, expensive, real Indiana Jones type quest in India, when I suddenly woke up after finding a mysterious Philosophers Stone and find out that my entire team was dead. So I decided to hide out in America, that backwater country where an British aristocrat like me can hide himself without fear of anyone

Barry: "But this Hall of Justice gets so drafty and spooky at night, I'd much prefer staying in Cisco's 800ft apartment."

…for what? To find out how to defeat metahumans? To get the opinion of metahumans on Earth from non-metas?

Sara: "Just think, all this started because you cheated on my sister with me on your father's yacht."

Barry: "Everything's my fault because I went back in time and created Flashpoint."

So what was the point of abducting Oliver/Diggle/Sara/Ray/Thea on Arrow? Literally none of them are metahumans nor did the Dominators gain any intel that would be needed to just drop a great big metahuman killing bomb on Earth?

Dominators: "Metahumans are a threat to the universe. We must exterminate all metahumans."

Barry: "Alright, she's incapacitated, now take the tech out of her arm."

Not for nothing alien tech, but your captives having flashes of their memories and having an unguarded portal for them to walk out of to escape seem like serious design flaws.

"And to think, if it wasn't for me, none of you would be here." - Oliver, the Green Arrow, standing in front of the CW's menagerie of super heroes.

"Lesson #1, don't stand around with a dopey grin on your face after you just knocked out a few bad guys. Barry does this all the time. There is always another bad guy waiting in the wings. *Always*."