Geoff Greene

"Uhh you helped me with Reverse Flash, didn't with Zoom and now I'm facing Savitar. So yes?"

Kara: "….She doesn't fly or anything…but she's still a badass!"

That's what Barry does in the future, gets super drunk and trolls himself and his friends in the past.

Oliver: "It's not your fault Barry…it's my fault! All mine, mine mine mine!"

"As a fan of Supergirl I was disappointed they didn't have an episode that was more welcoming to new viewers."

Berlanti: "But we already shot the Supergirl midseason finale! There's no way we can fit a tie-in the this crossover you want us to do."

Oliver: "Don't go easy on us."

Oliver: "What is this room Barry?"

Wally: "No one wants to train me, so I need you to help me train in secret HR"

Layla: "Here's all I know about the aliens. Now that I've told you all this information, I want you to sit this one out and do nothing. Let the real pros with guns and black suits take care of this."

Dr.Stein: "Here's a ridiculous cryptic message from you, Barry, in the future. Just vague details and whiny apologys, classic Barry Allen."

The scene right before it cuts to Savitar, did it just look like Barry in that shot, lying against the wall? Did they forget to CGI Savitar into that scene? I rewound it several times to check.

"I don't think you should hold back secrets from your friends….even thought that's exactly what I did when you asked me to vibe your future. And the only reason I told you is because I'm a terrible liar." - Cisco.

It's hard to come out and say you have meta powers after you've spent literally two seasons locking them up in the Pipeline.

"What are you doing here Caitlin's Mom? I thought you would lurking on that bridge above reception, waiting for people to come see you."

Julian does know that just because you're the first born son to a wealthy family in England you can still do science right? It's not 1910, this isn't Downton Abbey. There have been plenty of rich English scientists who have contributed greatly…some would even say those are prerequisites.

Iris "helping" get people out of the crashed bus.

"Your Mom works me night and day! I'm going to trap you and experiment on you till I succeed!" - Caitlin's Mom's Assistant.

The way the writers are jamming Caitlin into Killer Frost with Flashpoint is really hacky. We've been led to believe that this timeline is pretty damn close to the original with a few minor differences. Fine. When did Caitlin get her powers? She tells her mother a few weeks (months?) ago, probably from the original

In my teenage years, my girlfriend said I was super fast so we didn't have to worry about being "caught" mid-act, amiright! Up top!