Geoff Greene

"Smart left…with some friends of ours….on a trip." - Barry tripping over himself trying to explain Legends to Joe was just…wow.

"Am I suppose to be all dark and have a gravelly voice now?"

Wouldn't trust a Wells that has nothing better to do on his Earth to come and help fix things on your Earth. So far, the Wells we've seen have no had idle hands (or minds).

Why is Caitlin hiding her cold powers?

Feeling it my gut Harry?!?!? The dudes wearing a bowler. Immediate disqualification.

"If there's anyone who's going to teach her the ways of the speed force, it's Barry."

And the fancy restaurants are completely empty. Are you taking Iris out at 4pm Barry?!?!?

"Turns out the dark matter didn't effect him at all, so standing in front of that train was just suicide." - Joe at Wally's funeral, probably.

"But Daaaaaaaaad, all my friends have super speed/powers except me. It's not fair!" - Wally this episode.

In this timeline, Cisco creates and installs useful security measures!

Maybe not do on the fly therapy for someone with multiple personality disorder holding a tanker ship over a building filled with people? Especially when the only thing holding that tanker up is an inexperienced speedster?

And that he didn't believe Barry when he said there were only a few minor changes. Thank you Harrison Wells for calling bullshit on Barry.

"How do we keep from making mistakes, when all we want to do is help?" - Barry to Wells

Are there really that many time travelers fucking with the time stream continuum that the Time Wraiths are just too overworked and can't deal with it all? The IRS deals with millions of returns, Time Wraiths deal with what, a dozen or so time travelers?

"Put an odometer in his suit? I don't have time to do that, I've got moping to do!" - Cisco

Moira will be dead up until it's necessary for her to come back, probably so it relates to the current seasons Oliver flashback.

Small price to pay for a timeline where Barry isn't the absolute worst.

What, the curtains?

"Close enough for Time Wraith work, amiright Greg!"

I thought the same thing. A speedster fight is pretty much showing the other what buildings you can run up and around quickly. I was rolling my eyes up until Barry body checked Rival and he bounced several city blocks which was cool.