You did your depreciation backwards. Putname is assuming it will depreciate $2,220,340. Which, it will not. So they profit greatly.
I...I can’t tell which parts of this article are sarcasm and which are literal.
The sad thing is that this is the 200th time this particular groundhog has died this particular way.
The groundhog’s fur being brown had NOTHING to do with it....riiiiiiiiiiiight.
Gotta love Grimes with the Tesla logo choker.
In the US there are 10ish deaths per 1 billion driven miles (that’s 1 death every 100 million driven miles), including pedestrians. Uber has maybe 3 or 4 million driven miles under its belt. I have no doubt the technology will improve, but the cumulative driven miles is more of an accurate comparison than “well there…
“new car”... You didn’t pay 1.49% interest. If you financed (ie- not directly from a bank), you paid WAY more interest that that, they just buried it in the cost of the car.
Seriously. My car regularly closes gaps behind salt trucks at a ~40 mph speed differential as sand and salt goes pinging off the front of my vehicle. Now when it comes to washing I’m supposed to treat it like it’s made out of whale placenta? Fuck that.
This is the dumbest jalop fear mongering there is. It’s a fucking car that hurdles down the road at 20-100+ miles per hour but you’re going to worry about a soapy car washes water source?
I guess, despite Cena’s best efforts, Ford will in fact see him. In court.
I think your interpretation of events is weird. The slo-mo helps.
Looks like Verstappen reacted to the verrrrrry slight twitch by Kimi and wanted to avoid a wreck.
I’m sure that is the first time that’s ever been said.
Maybe I just don’t watch enough F1 but...Why would it be the easy guess that Seb was going to setup for an upcoming 90 degree left hand turn by going to the left side of the track? At best, it sets him up for an awful line through the chicane, no?
I don’t know how Kimi (or anyone) wouldn’t have anticipated Vettel pressing to the left like he did. I figured he was going to, and I was surprised that Kimi was there, as well.
I accidentally starred you because I thought you were talking about the rear headroom.
Who gives a shit about Princess Foofoo’s umpteenth pole, LANCE STROLL IS ON THE FUCKING FRONT ROW.