I don’t understand why supercars aren’t exclusively made in colors like this.
I don’t understand why supercars aren’t exclusively made in colors like this.
While I agree what he did was dumb, he has owned up to that multiple times and advocates that it was the dumbest thing he ever did and he hopes nobody else does it again. While yes it was dangerous, he didn’t kill anyone, and he did own up to his mistakes, and continually does.
Around 8:55 is the most perfect Italian reaction to a Ferrari wrecking itself. “Mama Mia! Madonna!”
And douchebags driving nice cars, apparently.
The Lamborghini that sets itself on fire was perfect.
I only really feel bad for that Porsche.
As a car centric publication shouldn’t you be doing more cheerleading for any car related show/magazine/whatever rather than practicing your oh so subtle sarcasm and seeming jealousy? I like Roadkill, a lot. I wish them every opportunity to expand and make more Roadkill. So what if they have a sponsor? It’s not…
Damn, this is the saltiest post in the History of Jalopnik. Did your girl break up with you? Dog die? Run out of pizza rolls?
Yes, an extra 45k miles will drop the resale value.
easy NP for me.
Yes and no. Obviously the coefficient doesn’t change as vehicle speed or drag generated does, however in order to generate downforce, you need to direct the air in such a way that it travels faster in some areas than others, which means it won’t slip quietly and peacefully by, creating turbulence when the separate…
Lincoln’s MK scheme means “Mark”. The “T” is for “Touring.” So the MKT is “Mark Touring,” which sounds like a Seinfeld character who travels for work (but always has to fly in cattle class) who insists he’s really a jet-setting travelphile with regular places to stay in all the best places around the world — including…
If so they should fire you immediately. And definitely don’t get near the driver’s jets. We’ve done a lot of work to make them much safer than racecars.
You mean “Don’t fuck with my three hours of F1 viewing every other week, I want to see prettier cars, not safe ones. No biggie if I have to watch someone die every once in a while.”
Yeah, because debris never goes flying when race cars crash. And other race vehicles never go on top of other race vehicles. They also never flip over. And added rigidity to the cockpit structure is so inneffective.
This trend of not wearing socks in shoes needs to end. It’s disgusting, sweaty, smelly, ruins shoes, and nobody wants to see your man-ankles poking out underneath your tight-rolled skinny jeans. Unless you’re actually wading in water or on a sailboat you just identify yourself as a disgusting idiot.
This report only mentions half the stuff that actually went down in this race!
LMAO And this is why I always make my way to the comments after reading articles, because it’s a goddamn gold mine down here. LOL
I would appreciate if people would stop conflating transgender issues, which are very real, with transracial issues, which are very fake. Trans people experience systemic oppression. People who want to be Black or Brown do not. Indeed, in the most high profile cases it is wypipo who put on Blackface and claim that…