Babak Abrishamchian

I agree that it initially sounds stupid, and I agree that it is stupid, but it makes sense that they banned balloons. I can’t even say if its happened before but you never know what someone may fill the balloon with (some kind of flammable gas like Acetylene which is lighter than air and indistinguishable from

Oh boy I’m so excited for this game to come out in... 3 years. Jesus its like the Anti-Fallout 4, why’d he announce the game so early.

Wow and he got the unrealistically round butt right just like every other Overwatch character, damn impressive.

Oh of course its Nicole Arbour. This shithead has been pulling this fuckery for YEARS. Throwback to her early days where her “comedy videos” were just strings of insults and racist comments on black, asian, and fat people.

Absolutely the shirt. The shirt is a tangible object which will outlast Overwatch by a long time, can be used when youre not just playing the game, and you’ll be giving more money to a good cause.

This isn’t actually a new trend. When I was in the 3rd grade (12 years ago) I remember babybel becoming a huge deal at my school because yeah, cheese thats dope, but also because kids were competing to make the coolest sculptures from the wax.

To everyone saying “oh its his fault for not using the charger/keeping it charged” Ganza himself says in his tweets that the controller was connected via Micro USB, so it wasn’t a battery issue but instead an issue with the controller.

Uhhh thats not how stocks work. If you have 100 dollars, and increase that by 7.1% it becomes 107.1 dollars. Afterwards, reducing that by 2.3% makes it 104.64. This dumb little mistake was actually a 4.64% increase for the company, which is lucky for them considering they didn’t really do anything. It’ll be fun to

*looks at my box set of Ken Burns Vietnam documentaries* im fun at parties I swear

So everyone has discussed the issue of poor representation of Trans people in the game, so I’m gonna talk about the one thing I’m not seeing:

Are we not going to talk about the figures GLORIOUS GLUTES THOUGH?

Is nobody going to ask what happens to the puppy if Orisa is killed mid-emote???? WE MUST PROTECT IT

Even if its not why he found out about the sneak defuse, this is why players should be playing in sound-proof booths (or atleast wear canceling headphones like here) and be facing away from the crowd. They give away such huge things in the most subtle of ways.

I think what I love about these videos most is that they’re styled like someone trying to make Casey Neistat vlogs. The music and camera make me laugh because theyre trying to so hard to be youtuber vlogs and I love Chris Lee for that.

I’m looking at the site and the following words come up twice:

Damn, 180 is a lot. There’s no mention of the figure’s scale on the facebook page, so its a shame there’s no reference shots for its size. If its a say, 1/18th scale then it would be a hard pass for me. Its a nice and detailed action figure, but I would be buying something like that as a decoration. If its not

Was that a fucking Flatlands reference? I remember being forced to watch the movie in middle school and I can’t remember if I hated it or loved it.

Well if Konami isn’t going to make a Castlevania game someone’s going to have to do it.

Its funny that Sonic the hedgehog has become the most uncomfortable thing about going to Hooters now.

For those who don’t think their kids are old enough to watch Rick and Morty, but still want to get their kids involved, there are two Rick and Morty board games out now, Total Rickall, and Anatomy park. Damn good games because theyre so simple.