Babak Abrishamchian

YouTube is such a great reminder of how overly entitled baby boomers bred an entire generation of kiddos who think they’re entitled to other people’s work which they get for free.

I’m just really angry cause everyone was saying their order got cancelled while I thought I still had mine. Of course Gmail hates happiness and decided to send the notification of the cancellation to my spam folder. THANKS GOOGLE.

So its going for the happy medium between Gawker (RIP) and Jezebel? Gizmodo but only the news, and Jezebel without the tabloid content!

Well my pre-order hasnt been cancelled yet, crossing my fingers and parying to Miyamoto

Jake Paul is NOT planning on wising up lol, dude just doxxed Post Malone and is DEFINITELY going to jail for the, I don’t know, 5 crimes he’s recorded and uploaded to his channel in the past week alone?

Well yeah, of course. Nearly every rifle will have a plastic grip and stock because it just makes sense. Real guns have completely different internals, so a real M4 will weigh around 8 pounds (depending on attachments) whereas an airsoft M4 usually weighs ~6 pounds even when the internals, lower and upper receiver,

I’m guessing you play solely at indoor fields? Good luck playing on 99% of fields where the engagement distance is more than 10 feet. I play at SC Village in Anaheim California with an ASR 117 M4 rifle and I’m regularly having to fire at targets 100+ meters.

There’s actually an airsoft variant of this which also has a working counter on it. I’ve test fired it myself and you’d be shocked how accurate they are. Only downside is A: its expensive as hell and B: good luck aiming with it since there arent any sights. On top of all this they aren’t full metal rifles so it feels

I had a group on my team in a recent match. Girl playing with her boyfriend. Girl had a mic, guy didnt. One asshat on our team started asking “yo can i have your snapchat” and harrassing her “yo i just want to know how ugly you are.” Somehow this guy thought he was flirting. So here he is shittalking, and I jump in

Oh well obviously people will take repetitive jobs, I’m just talking in respects to someone making a buttload of money like extremely famous youtubers often do. 99% of people don’t make upwards of 300k.

I mean, yeah imagine playing the same game nonstop for a living for 6 years not because you enjoy it or are very good at it (like esports players do) but because its what makes you money. Imagine the most mundane job possible which makes you a ton of money (say, a million dollar p/ year salary) versus the most fun job

I’m not even THINKING of buying this game until I know Donnel is in it.

Hey, first day security was top notch. It took a solid 20 minutes to get in. There was this small woman shouting like she had the lungs of a woodsman at literally everyone who tried to enter without waiting in line. She got so intense another LACC employee had to tell her to calm down cause a bunch of press and

Firstly there were 68,400 attendees this year, 15 thousand of which were expo pass holders, so I’m confused as to where you’re getting 5000 (arbritrary number for example I’m assuming). Secondly, its not like its a problem, its just that having people dressed so differently on such a big scale is confusing. Imagine

Summing up what was extra weird for E3 this year: going to a meeting, when a guy in purple overalls and a giant prosthetic nose passes me.

How bout’ we start with the fact that ICE are not Police. On top of that, they are borderline government regulated domestic terror. The organization dedicated to supposedly “getting the bad guys” is deporting kids who are about to realize their hopes and dreams. If you read the article instead of rushing to getting

My new favorite thing to do at E3 is watching the people nervous about going towards the XSeed booth where Senran Kagura is. “I want to look at Shantae but thats also where all the weeb shit is” —A dad with his teen daughter I met today.

The XBoneX. We’re that much closer to Microsoft going full meta and adding xX before and after the name of their console.

Yay more gay stuff (no sarcasm)

I think its better now than ever. Back then it was a bunch of 4chan and gamergate asshats sending death threats to Jason, now its the entire internet making fun of those asshats.