Babak Abrishamchian

I write over at Kotaku’s community site, Talk Amongst Yourselves, I’d love to share any stories you have working on the game. Shoot me an email


Quick someone post a gif of someone headbutting through a wall in an anime. Its definitely something that exists, its just thay its 316 AM and I couldnt have less willpower to do it myself.

Can someone explain to me why the headline isn’t “Nintendo fixed the Joycon by putting a piece of foam in it”?

I played about half an hour of the game at IndieCade last year and I can conifdently say I still have no idea what the fuck I played. It interested me and confused me at the same time. Hell I still have the “business card” i got from them. Its literally just a bunch of stickers of stuff from the game like a car, eagle

This is genius on Nintendo’s part. They’re bringing Castlevania back to Nintendo consoles. If Nintendo keeps managing great port deals like this, every indie game fan with the money to buy a Switch will own one.

Stupidly easy way of fixing the issue while letting blizz keep their new system: only count tie breakers above the 33% mark so we dont see the BS wee see in that sombra gif.

I swear Jackfrags makes half his youtube money off of Battlefield easter eggs

Thank you because everyone here with Trypophobia definitely wanted to see that. Its not like you couldve done what Polygon did and have a photo of the actual game for the lead instead of giving us all nightmares.

Sounds like one of the people on Obamacare who advocates losing their coverage On Trumpcare

To a certain extent (as sad as it is to see them go) the phasing out of intruction manuals makes sense. Even if its mostly inconsequential, not having to print manuals saves money, and on top of that we’ve reached a point where just as many people are buying the game digitally so why spend extra money on something

Of course fucking Funhaus is the first group to find Orisa r34. They might as well be sponsored by rule 34

Just for reference, Nintendo Switches are selling for as much as 600 dollars on ebay and Amazon right now.

No sexy Bastion cosplay 1/10

Now playing

...Except this has been an issue with Noughtpointfourlive for years. The man has had many copyright strikes leveraged against him He’s notorious for stealing videos, getting called out, then privating those videos when the backlash gets too big.

Hah I love how this turned out. There are so many things fun about this story.

Holy crap I didn’t even know LowSpecGamer is still making videos. The dudes a champ, seeing as he’s gotten hit by copyright trolls twice since you last covered him.

Its a good game, but it doesn’t flow very well. If you’re Persian you would love it regardless of its flaws. Imagine Telltale games, but quick-time events make a much bigger difference (which is not a good thing).

Its a good game, but it doesn’t flow very well. If you’re Persian you would love it regardless of its flaws. Imagine Telltale games, but quick-time events make a much bigger difference (which is not a good thing).

I saw the game at IndieCade when it won a Dev’s choice award, and got the same idea. It had a very 1978 Revolution: Black Friday feel minus the historically accurate commentary. It seems less like you’re being told the harrowing narrative of someone’s life and more like your DEFINITELY not racist mom repeating the