Babak Abrishamchian

Tomorrow morning I’ll find out whether my parents will have to flee the country, if I wont be able to pursue my dream to be a journalist, have to start taking anxiety meds, and invest in a bomb shelter. What a time to be alive. I havent needed my inhaler since I was eight but I think I need it now.

Because the game launched in the Summer, continued in the fall, and the third season is in the winter?

Ummm i dont think GAME realizes thats a breach of retailer contract. The second Sony hears about this, GAME is gonna be swimming in all the lawyers thrown at them.


How Nintendo can make a few more million: Release an alternate Nintendo switch that costs 20 dollars more, but has a faceplate that makes it look like stained wood. Wait. IM SMELLING A PHOTOSHOP CONTEST. FAHEY WHERE YOU AT GET ON THIS.

Oh my god im so used to overwatchs community i thought he WAS being serious. Its unbelievable how jaded one can get playing a multiplayer game

You clearly haven’t seen his “surprised” face yet. Nothing but nightmare fuel.

I ask out of sheer curiosity, do you think he would make enough money off of making that one costume? Cause clearly Blizzard could hire him for promotional stuff but besides that, how would be make money off of this? Do events pay enough for people to come in these costumes that they can live off the pay, or do they

Oh damn it took me a while to realize he was INSIDE the mech. This dude deserves a medal, he didn’t just cosplay, he upgraded other people’s cosplay with his cosplay.

I’m still working in the review of mafia 3 over at TAY, but I’ve got some REAL weird ones. I’ll make sure to send them in after i finish the review. Have you gotten any submissions with ghost cars yet?

Smash bros tournament rules always has team damage on in doubles. Makes situations like this possible, as well as force the players to be more aware of where they and their teammate are.

More like Digital SUEicide amirite?

When you guys get copies of triple-A games for review (if you get review copies from the developers) do you have to email them prior asking for a copy, or will they usually send a copy before you ask?Indie developers are usually good about responding to emails, but big companies like Microsoft, or 2k (Still waiting on

So does this mean that when I toss a piece of paper in the trash, instead of shouting “KOBE” I can just shout “HARAMBE” instead?

Not going to dissmiss it. He clearly isnt a troll and probably really believes what he said and if someone has an opinion that people find morally objectionable he shouldnt be excused from giving or receiving the opinions of others.

Female gamers have long-been present on youtube so I don’t think thats necessarily true. I don’t think female gamers are all going to start whipping their tits out now that this streamer has gotten so popular, but I do think she’s going to have a seriously negative impact on the perception of female gamers. Even

*inception horn a second time*

You know the biggest thing people seem to forget is that you can decide to just not watch her. If you think her content is shit, cool story, go watch something else neither you or her are gonna be worse off cause of it. However, I actually agree with the point that DeFranco’s brings up in that when you’re looking up

*inception horn blasts*