Besides Mafia 2 and LA Noire, what is a great story based game about 50's America?
Besides Mafia 2 and LA Noire, what is a great story based game about 50's America?
I was gonna post that shitty meme of an ostrich with its head in the dirt with the words “youre so deep I can’t even see you right now” but really thats just petty. You’re right. Very rarely do games full of passion from its makers receive the value they deserve. Obviously, a developer can make a bad game which they…
I can’t tell if you’re talking about team colors or skin colors
Seriously, it was so weird, they even had the playback feature watching him die over and over again.
Its a little late because Valve never had a reason to make this decision. Now that they’re in legal trouble, everyone’s gonna get on the bandwagon to blame Valve for allowing a gambling service. Valve is saying they make no direct profit from these sites, but thats absolute baloney. Every video, every dollar people…
Wait, so the dude just walks up to the kid in broad daylight in what seems to have been a well populated area, and just starts creeping? I think the release of Pokemon GO has given the crazies too much confidence
There are many websites which let you trade skins in for bitcoin or a paypal transaction. The site takes the weapon skins, and they convert it into real monet. The conversion sites take a cut similar to the gambling sites.
I think the actual point this article should’ve had wasn’t even thought about: whats the point of a dagger whose only purpose is killing. Seriously if I’m buying a knife, it should be able to atleast open a fucking box. If I need to kill someone, I have my actual useful, not total waste of money knives for that.
Not enough mountain dew, 6/10
If youre looming for a game themed book, check out "ready player one". Just finished reading it and as someone who hasnt read a full book in two years, its totally worth it.
Its a loophole for streamers. Twitch is notorious for banning people because they stopped playing a game for 5 minutes. By saying “you can stop playing games if you eat while not playing, we wont ban you”. Its a loophole they made to work around their own atrocious policy.
This is actual censorship, but you know what? The people of China and its government really brought this on itself. The amount of copyright-infringing bullshit that comes out of china is unbelievable and because nobody in China made an audible effort to establish fair copyright law, this is what happens. When the…
I keep seeing awesome Pharah cosplays like this, and I’m just sad that for every brilliant costume I see like this, no one has thought to turn something like one of these into Pharah’s gun.
Actually high functioning autism doesn’t stop you from being insanely smart, but it does make you a raging asshole if raised improperly which considering his mom seems to be an anti-vaccing anti-med idiot, he’s probably just an asshole. High functioning autism patients will KNOW that everything they do is horrible,…
Who knows fire and ice might be atleast mediocre. Maybe then we'll see a third generation of sonic boom that ISNT shit
Sonic generations 2 sounds cool i guess
Steam summer sale, and I liked the mafia 3 presentation I saw at E3, so im binging the Deluxe edition of Mafia 2 to see how big a change the game is gonna be!