Babak Abrishamchian

The reason they’re backpedaling is because being exposed for trying to fix matches could lead to some enormous legal trouble. This is the kind of thing that closes businesses/destroys careers (see: KQLY/Titan)

After buying, playing, and promptly refunding the game, this is sadly a 100% cash grab. The combat has no depth, the game is ugly and textures look like they were PNGs converted a thousand times over so they’re so blurry you cant see shit, and most of all, its broken to all hell so 90% of players cant progress. Ever.

Fair point but the part of Capcom which made the minish cap and the other Zelda games (Flagship) was acting as a second party developer for Nintendo, making solely nintendo games up until the first resident evil, when they stopped working with Nintendo. At the time, they were a canon-developer for nintendo.

Hyrule Warriors is considered non-canon because unlike every other Zelda game it wasn’t directly made by Nintendo, but rather Team Ninja. Nintendo has a policy where any game that wasnt made by a first party or second party developer (examples: first party Monolith, Nd Cube, second party Game Freak) cannot be

Because both Fallout and Borderlands are heavily stylized and not supposed to be realistic at all, whereas Tom Clancy games are known for their heavy realism or tactical gameplay. Even then YES both fallout and borderlands have been criticized for bullet sponge enemies. Look at TotalBiscuit. He’s well known to hate

“Lets play” isnt very inspiring either

I cant tell if this makes me want to watch x-files more, or less.

Okay I know these are supposed to be insults but some of them insult other people more than the people you’d be giving them to

In a game of counter strike, i played a competitive match and someone on the other team was geo_dude. He said “may the best geo win.” We tied with the same amount if kills. It was appropriate but frustrating.

Dont worry I’m sure he’s relaxed after his “Vacation”

I got mario maker and a wii u yesterday and im already losing my mind. I died 10 times ro just the goomba at the start cause i suck so much. HOW DO YOU MAKE ANY PROGRESS IM SO CONFUSED

Why is there a picture of Gerard Depardiue for an article about Tim Roth? Also how did you guys find a picture of Gerard Depardieu without a glass of alcohol in his hand?

I think someone should call child services...

YOOOOO Nathan you are on POINT today with your writing. First the Biden reference in your TF2 article, then that jab at Trump’s neck fat!? Dude its like a gawker writer and an english PHD had a baby, and that baby went on to write about video games. Good job mate.

Again and again, I’m amused by Kotaku’s amazing ability to make jokes in their articles about stuff no one would have thought about while reading an article like this. That link to the Onion article about Biden made me lose it. 11/10 Nathan, nice reference. Also lets us know you guys know about more than just video

Lol I’m publishing the first chapter of my first book in the next few days so maybe you’ll see it on TAY, besides that I’ve only done short stories.

Wait what!? 3 days early!? Who the fuck releases a book three days after announcing it!?

As a writer I know thats what we call a fuckup. If this is a full length novel, the writing is GOING to be crap. You would NEVER publish a book prior to atleast a month or two going through the story, rewriting or adding in parts of the story. 10 bucks says the story is bland and kinda crap.

Danny Trejo aside those are some really good looking skins. That knife skin is badass

Could you guys make the sheet open to viewing? Or just like publish screengrabs of the sheet? I REALLY want to see how you guys describe each game this and next year in the sheet.