I wasnt saying theyre the only offenders, EA and Bungie are just the biggest companies to make this mistake (repeatedly)
I wasnt saying theyre the only offenders, EA and Bungie are just the biggest companies to make this mistake (repeatedly)
console games are supposed to be complete.
dammit Patricia I wrote this a full minute before you did, now I have to delete my article so I dont get flagged for spam QQ
I understand where you’re coming from, but if you get about a week off some time later in the summer (prior to all the big releases in early fall) you should go back to Fallout NV and with PLENTY OF MODS. Im sure you can get tons of time out of it if you have nothing else to do
Do you realize that a majority of the poeple who build Apple products have never been allowed to actually USE a finished, fully functioning Apple device?
Link campaigns to deport Ganon and the rest of the gerudos from Hyrule
Okay while I agree with Straw hat, dont act like hearthstone is free to play. Its free to start playing and understand how the game works, but when the fuck has a card game ever been free?
Have you ever been forced into crunch time without pay, or just not payed at all?
I just said one of the best cause its much more general than saying they’re the best. I agree with u m8, virtus all the way.
This is video from a Cloud 9 player, one of the best teams in counter strike. CSGO pros often play with significantly lower resolution, and lower graphics because it makes hitting your enemy much easier. Also this is a gif so why the fuck do you expect high frame rate? Vsync prevents screen tearing, but it also caps…
Clicker heroes is the only way to get super saiyan finger muscles, I hate that its now my #1 played game on steam cause I just leave it running 24/7
If he was making HALF that much after retirement, I think it would be worth it
Yeah, this is most definitely DDoSing, not Doxxing. Did the kid release any information on anyone in the school? If not, this isnt doxxing
While yes, MLP has a lot of haters who hate it for the show itself, most people hate it because ponies invade OUR LIVES. BRONIES ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE. THEY CROSS THEIR CULTURE INTO EVERYTHING ELSE. I googled Adam Jensen (my profile pic) and I FOUND AN ADAM JENSEN PONY. Wtf does my little pony have anything to do…
If you guys want to hear tons of REALLY shit stories about game developing, or just business related to games, check out Tales From the Trenches at http://trenchescomic.com/tales/post/fro…
Why were you so mean and cheap on the gauntlet season 2? Are you really that competitive or was it just an act?
god its gonna be even more ironic when this game gets stuck in developer hell like most early access games
When I saw the notification of your reply, I thought it was going to be really defensive of konami, good on you m8
Johnathen I hope you have stock in Konami so when their stock crashes YOURE FUCKED AS FUCKED AS YOUR BRAIN IS.