Yeah you have every right to react that way i was pretty incompetent about everything until i hit highschool
Yeah you have every right to react that way i was pretty incompetent about everything until i hit highschool
maybe i didnt understand how rentals worked because I was a spoiled 10 year old with a pile of credit cards i found?
If they actually make this short movie (which i very much doubt they will) any leftover money they have from the indiegogo could be considered a profit, so its no longer protected, and disney will sue them so hard they’ll have to have another indiegogo campaign titled “keep mickey from throwing us into bankruptcy”
What i meant to say is that Onlive was ahead of its time cause no one had internet speeds fast enough to back it up so it really sucked
I remember trying onlive probably in 2008. I managed to play about 5 minutes of a really bad zombie survival game in 240p before my mother barged into the room asking why i had just charged her card for 12 dollars. I told her i used it for video games and she told me “well atleast we can still return the game” she…
this isnt a concept for a video game...
Okay ive looked at the indiegogo page and im a little less confident about this. Also how the fuck did they expect to get funding for this when they own none of the rights to any of these franchises?
So someone took the ideas of a 12 year old hopped up on pixie stix in the early 2000’s, and decided to ACTUALLY MAKE IT A THING. WE MUST DONATE ALL THE MONIES TO THIS CAUSE. ITS FOR THE CHILDREN I SWEAR IT
i know that a game related to fire emblem being on a sony device is close to impossible, just let me dream
(looks like it’s for the Wii U)
Concerning your comment on the master chief collection, whether or not a game is playable SHOULD determine an opinion on the game. If the game is inherently unplayable because its too buggy, that can mean the game is bad because that means the programmers for the game did a bad job. Battlefield 4 had the same problem…
Id like for steam reviews to have a report option. its too often we see games with say, 1500 positive reviews and steam only says it has mostly positive reviews instead of overwhelmingly positive reviews because 15 people gave the game a negative review. often those 15 negative reviews will be mostly spam like this:
Its not that (most of us) want to fuck it up, we just want the cam-girls to stop ruining it for the girls who actually want to play video games
Why were there assets from tf2 in there? the righteous bison was the gun he used, and when he placed down that turret it made the same turret noise from tf2. Does magic leap or WETA have anything to do with valve?
Sgt johnson was a lot of people's favorite side character in the halo series, i guess they took the extra content about him out since SPOILERSSPOILERSPOILERS johnson dies in halo 3. He was such a well written character because his voice actor portrayed the gruff sergeant stereotype so well, he always reminded me of a…
Im fairly sure running someone over with your car and a slightly misleading title are two fairly different things.
Here is an idea. DONT make an account for a website you dislike and DONT complain about things you could easily fix by A: not reading kotaku if you dislike the content or B: go to another news site (RPS, Polygon, PCGamer, IGN whatever the fuck you want, its the internet).
This has been my favorite Kotaku post of all time for a long while. God bless you Leo!
I guess you could say he sucks at his job