Genus Venus

Be his muse. His hopes and dreams come first. Your hopes and dreams have been realized because you are someone's muse.


Seriously. Resting Bitch Breasts should be a recognized medical condition.

...may I offer a differing opinion? Maybe those two ta-tas were "up to no good" and panicked when the camera was taking their picture.
"Quick...act like nothing's going on!"

In the future, when you send out party invitations put CALL OR TEXT next to your phone number. You will get a lot more RSVPs if you allow people to text their response. People vastly prefer it (based on the responses I have gotten in the past), I assume because it's impersonal.

I call shenanigans because in this day and age NO ONE properly RSVPs for a kids party. Homophobic rant or no.

Since you asked so nice and all ....

Um...not to go off topic, but this definitely does not look like what it's trying to portray... (at least to me...)

Yeah, but it's still in beta. They need bug reports before it goes live.

I'm a proud fuzzy hobbit.

Sure looks like t/dog we call Sausage

Dangerous face water: still tastes better than Diet Mountain Dew

Winter Olympics: Waiting for Godot Edition

Please do not flush dead dogs down the toilet. The face water will run red with their blood. SOCHI!!!

You need to open port 666 on your router.

Should have just dumped him.

Five cigarettes at a time. A whole big world full of poops to smoke. This guy has it all figured out. Keep on keeping on, Haji.