Genus Venus

We're on our first pair of rats and learning a LOT, including how you can't get a pet and get bored with it. I don't think they were held much as babies, so they were a bit bitey, which I know is unusual. Kiddo was a little intimidated by this, so integrating them into the family has been a little slow. They are

I have always needed a number of men to move me out of a residence. I can't carry the couch by myself and the dresser is too awkward.

Sometimes stupid guys are good when you don't need them to talk.

I had this done several years ago and no complications. I did my research and discussed it with my doctor. I grilled her on her patients' experiences, too. I won't lie, it was painful ("anything going through your cervix is gonna hurt," said my doc), and I was a little sore for a couple days, but that was pretty much

Rant from an old, here: stand up straight, girl! You compromise the intricate structure of that dress by slouching.

Yeah, my kiddo went to daycare and pre-school in Portland (as did I many years ago). The first daycare she went taught some to the "late toddler" age kids, and the littles were included as much as possible. I put her in preschool because when she wasn't challenged and focusing on something she got herself into all

Indeed. The last guy I dated (he was over 40) had absolutely zero problem with it. This helped me discover that I, in fact, do. Not in a shame-y way, just "ugh, no thanks." He was way cool about it. There were upsides to dating an ex-Mormon with a lesbian ex-wife.

I was thinking someone else wrote the letter which is understandable. I think getting out bed every day is an enormous victory for these women. The media is supporting them in showing their resilience (and I thank them for that), but they've only just begun to start coping. PTSD is "Post-traumatic Stress Disorder,"

I think Jez readership skews a bit younger than me on average (38 next week), so I think I can pull my "when I was your age card" for some of you. Shaving took at least 20 minutes every few days with a regular razor in the shower (electrics didn't help at all). I had the occasional backache and muscle cramp from

"Loving" oneself has nothing to do with a talent or skill. It means different things to different people and it's an evolution. Nobody ever gets it completely. Nobody wakes up one day and feels great about herself and everything is fine from then on. It's also very true that if you can't see why you're worth a shit,

My $0.02 as a female who works in the mental health field (who has not peeped the DSM 5 yet). What follows is only my opinion, not a medical opinion (which I can't give) or psychological advice.

Def no prude here. No problem with wearing a shirt with that message. My problem is the image itself. As other posters have acknowledged, I feel assaulted by the image. If I wanted to look at porn, I would. The whole "adolescent-male-fantasy-internet-porn-inspired" image is just gross on so many levels.

Making friends as a grownup is hard. 'Specially when one can't find one fuck to give about drama and boolsheet.

Enjoy the inevitable fall from that high horse you got there.

Yuppies moving to Portland? The 1980s called. . .

I hope you know how very lucky you are that the solutions for your headaches are relatively simple and don't require turbo-powered interventions. Keep this in mind when you go into practice. In comparison to the many others I know, my migraines are moderate in severity (thankfully, fairly infrequent), but nothing

I did eight years of graduate school. I was married at the time and my daughter didn't come along until about the halfway mark. Then came my internship at around year 7. 90 miles away. I commuted. It was beyond awful.

I take exception to the ridiculous suggestion that breaking up and moving on requires "callous indifference." Total bullshit. I care very deeply about the exes who have had the most impact on me. I'm over them, but feel far from indifferent about them.