
As well-filmed as it is, can't say for sure that this would have been an interesting movie to see being filmed. Even with all of it's comical touches, long takes would put so much pressure on the actors that they'd probably hate to be even looked at in a way that would break them from the moment.

I really want to see the filming of the famous True Detective tracking shot. Even though it's actually broken down and reassembled through magical editing, knowing when to seamlessly cut would be terrific.

I'm from the South, where we only got twelve inches, and everybody has already hit that point. I'm just waiting for the cannibalism to start. The south is not built for this shit.


Nah, I think Mike knew what he was signing up for when he was hired for Gus. He actually was the one that insisted upon hitting the Cartel first, but Gus denied. But the moment Gus killed Victor shocked him because he wasn't prepared and he didn't know why. He later realized it was a message and that Victor had gotten

Taste. Not everybody has it.

While simultaneously acting as siblings. That is no mere feat.

Jesus, my heart is definitely out to you.

All bets are off if some bimbo decided not to give me back my Breaking Bad box set.

Moonrise Kingdom was almost ruined for me by my feminazi ex because she thought the little boy grabbing the girls boobs was unbelievably sexist, and ranted about it from mid-movie and onward. I recently just rewatched it, and loved it. It's not what caused us to cut ties, though. That was probably because of her love

That was another possibility me and my boss were talking about. But the conversation was so ambiguous that it could be so many things - from dildo salesperson to a bookstore owner.

Actually, we had received E-mails from groups trying to rent out theater lobbies so as to set up "passion parties" where the movie is premiering. So.. maybe?

Had the oddest thing happen while working at my theater. A lady came out of the bathroom who was here for the premiere of 50 Shades and I heard the following, "I don't care, but this film is job security for me." I've been trying to piece together the mystery ever since.

The power of music and visuals here is strong. God damn it, Viggo. You're too good.

I'd like to believe he killed ol' Bo Svenson and somehow disposed of him to where he didn't have to go to prison. That would be in more in Mike's character since he has no qualms about working with a man like Gus.

I don't know about more humanity. Walt's broken face of anguish after choking Crazy Eight to death is still more haunting than Jimmy's look of horror at Tuco.

He's a lawyer! Not a scientist! Who could have predicted that?

Had the weirdest reminder of homework from this show. I have an essay on the Code of Hammurabi due tomorrow, and it almost detracted from the awesomeness of this show. God damn it..

Somehow less romantic than Operation Icebreaker: Your Breath Could Knock the Buzzard Off A Shit Wagon.

Reminded me of the episode Sunset from Season Three of BB. Any other drama would have cut that episode off at Hank pulling up to the RV with Jesse and Walt in it, but god bless the writers of Breaking Bad, who are thankfully at the helm of this wonderful new series.