

Better comparison!

I think it hurt worse just because Dickon wouldn't have felt right or noble unless he died with him.

That's what I thought when I was doing a head count. So it IS The Magnificent Seven.

I didn't see any on him, but Jon better have brought some fuckin' Dragon glass. Otherwise, that shit on the island was pointless.

No, really, it is. But it produced a really badass team so I'm happy.

I'm sure Ramsay might have had a plan if he wasn't dog shit right now.

RIGHT. Fuck. This is why I just call him The Hound.

Though this show is the most exciting and fun than it has ever been, some of the plotting is a little whack. Mighty freakin' convenient that Arya starts prodding at her sister just when Littlefinger might try to turn Sansa against Arya. Ah well.

Still took on Brienne.

"We have a T-Rex."

At first I thought it was stupid that Gendry went back to the same place he had been found, but then again, that might be why it was a smart idea. I still thought he was rowing.

When Cersei threatened to punish Bron, I felt my heart rate spike.

Right, sorry.

She's good.

Guess Cersei is going to give it another go with round 4. I guess that will make it much more sadder when she dies by Jaime's hand.

I can see Gregor dying just so he will come back and fight his undead brother.

Man, Sam's Dad was a dick, don't get me wrong.. but that look he gave Dickon when he said he would have to be killed too tore me to pieces. Fuck.


Did they consummate the marriage? Produce any children worth noting?