
Well, if there is, it's gonna work because HE believed it!

This was what confused me about The Leftovers . The seasonal grade is an A, yet the latter episode were B - C range.

Season Four Comedy Gold
- Walt and Jesse wearing Kenny Rogers shirts.
- Walt thinking Tyrus was Gus and almost shooting him in the head because of it.
- Marie stealing shit.
- Skylar taking shit from Bogdon, Walt, and Saul and then dishing it out in return.
- Every damn time Saul brings up laser tag.
- Walt's banter with

If this book is anything less than Gone Girl meets The Last of Us then I will be let down. No, I'm joking, but I can't find this damn book anywhere near by and I'm not confident enough to shell out a couple of bucks for it.

He lets them do there thing. Presenting a good script and then asking what they would want to do with it. Or at least that's what I would do.

And he came out of nowhere and seems to be loving that. I'll definitely be looking forward to his next films.

Exactly my thoughts. I know there is, but it was just one of the most easily accessible given my Netflix account. Any suggestions?

All Is Lost
I'm really impressed by JC Chandor as a 40 something filmmaker who is finally becoming noticed. Margin Call was a tightly crafted small picture that didn't really catch my attention for anyone but the main cast. After seeing this though, I am totally psyched for A Most Violent Year , but the main

oh, it helps me illustrate him, all right. As just batshit insane.

Kind of like a train wreck now. Just like seeing how bad the next one you see is.


I wonder if this will be studied years from now as all new levels of jingoism in American War Cinema. It seems all we have is The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty, and Restrepo as the real classics of this war.

If it was a true character study it would have delved into all of the legal situations that came of this book as well, and how and why this may have happened. Instead we get a stock, Texan Sergeant York type, that (granted) is expertly played by Cooper.

Murder IS more of a legal term, but only under the US constitution so they can dictate what is righteous and what isn't. Murder also has many other definitions that associate it with any barbarous act of violence, and I'm just guessing that they didn't just give them dandelions over there..

I grow weary of these debates because they're never going to change. I can't wait to be a cave man again..

This man made two beautiful anti-war and anti-violence films (Iwo Jima, Unforgiven) and then makes these kinds of movies. I'm really not sure what to make of him anymore.

This is probably the first thread I've seen about his comment that isn't just total dick waving and a total pissing contest on Rogen's manhood. Sure, it is an obtuse remark in some respects, but he is trying to get you to use your damn knoggin.' It does carry a striking resemblance in it's pro-war message and

It even restricted you to properly act according to a situation's extreme circumstances if you didn't adhere to the games Old Testament morality system, even when the solution was frustratingly simple. I know it was the dawn of storytelling in video games, but even a simple, silly, summer movie like Guardians of the

You mean Jon Hamm?

I feel the same way about Jesse Eisenberg sometimes.