
Even the list of what I must watch which has considerably less fat on it.

I tried my best not to pay too much attention about it so as to focus on what the show really had on it's mind other than who did it, but I pegged him for the killer sometime in the penultimate episode of the season. I was hoping the identity of the killer would somehow tie in to the story's main themes and ideas, and

Just when I thought I was getting caught up, I looked at this damn list..

If you loved it, then I recommend Ida. I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard great things, and I loved The Immigrant. Once I'm caught up, I'm definitely going back for a couple more viewings.

I just saw you clench a man by the unmentionables and chuck him into the street, and you don't even want to know what he did to Kristen Bell a season back. Take this man seriously..

He says as he slowly, menacingly taps his fingers against the metallic table.

This reminded me a lot of The Long Dark. A survival sand-box that is in the process of releasing a story mode. Coincidentally, it has the same cell-shaded esque blocky style that Telltale is known for, but the game is clearly doing their own thing.

I neglected to title it the best superhero movie of the year. I do agree it's probably the best of Marvel. Gonna suck when Captain takes the bullet, but hopefully he'll put out more like Snowpiercer.

That shit was BROOOTAL.

I envy anyone who has seen The Babadook, but I respect anyone who has seen Blue Ruin and appreciates it. Not sure where we stand.

Winter Soldier would have been the best superhero movie by all if the over-hyped nonsense over Guardians hadn't taken over.

This has been on my to-watch list for so long. I really like the Jimmy Stewart westerns, and this movie is probably a shoeing to be a favorite of mine.


If he had other stuff on his mind like Wheedon usually does, I'd probably be more forgiving. Alas, all I really got the sense of was just the Marvel routine with a little of Gunn's added flavor that he is known for.
I forgot all about Slither! I actually have seen it, and really enjoyed it. But I thought the

Bedridden with the flu has given me the time and, somehow, the proper motivation to catch up on all of the shows and films that I don't actively follow. While also seeking out any games I may have accidentally swept under the rug.

I watch Wheedon fully aware of how he writes. It's because of his superior works (Firefly, Buffy, Serenity, Angel) that I am able to consume his writing on a different level other than "does it make any sense for this character to even talk like this?" Probably why I love the Avengers. But really, who talks like a

I think a lot of people give it too much shit about the difficulty. The real fun comes from the struggle of survival and learning from the experience, like an easy form of Dark Souls.

Some of the characters backstories just need a little tainted color to them. Jack and Susan are two of the most morally ambiguous people on the show, yet I still felt complicated emotions for both of them, not excluding sympathy. The show should be a little more risky, and by a little I mean a lot.

Some of the levels of cheese within this episode made me cringe as to what this show may eventually become, but I hope they build from their mistakes.

I agree with Hurley Coward. The rest of the show at least some artful ideas and intentions, and Joe kind of felt tacked on to me, so I am gonna have to rewatch it.. The only reason I suspected that Joe was the killer is the old TV rule of more screentime means something is gonna come.