
I do not understand, at all, the loyalty to and gushing over Rachel Dratch. I just don't get it. Every character she plays is the same as the last, show after show, season after season. She's as one-note and tedious as Armisen, another performer heralded as a genius for some unfathomable reason. Dratch may be a good

As you can see, I don't give charm priority.

"Real religion is about knowing we’re not perfect but striving to be better, Kimmy concludes. In fact, Titus and her come off as looking like the bad people…"

I agree about the Maya Rudolph "Dionne Warwick" stuff. Funny at the very first, then rapidly became tired, overwrought, and stupid. Part of a storyline that stunk in the first place, it suffers from SNL Syndrome: unable to recognize when the joke is over.

Or your own when you're irreparably in over your head. None of that mortgage nonsense to think about, just an insurance pay out and off you go!

Or is it a buckle?

Beatcha to it.

Or "relatively normal." There's no reason to imply hesitation with ellipses when qualification is what's intended.

In that event Kimmy would have been neither a defuser nor a diffuser, and the writer of this review would have to find a
different word to get wrong.

"The FBI brings Kimmy in to help diffuse the situation…"

For a while she was, yes. Then it became excessive, then tedious, then stupid. I was tempted to get it over with quickly by fast forwarding through the Dionne Warwick crap but decided that would be cheating and to tough it out. At the end I regretted not having cheated.

But radio shows in the '40s had studio audiences. Also, Bergen's act was very well known so it was easy for listeners to carry the images of the him and his dummies in their minds even without visual cues.

I didn't see it coming, and when it came it was the f-ing dumbest thing to hit that show in a long while. It made no sense whatsoever and still doesn't even within this show's non-sequituresque logical flow, nor does Melissa's seeming ability to have functioned so well without it for so long until she suddenly

The fact that "gas goes bad," heavily featured in previous seasons, seems to have been discarded in the interest of storylines as well.

When a series reviewer can't identify the characters on the screen, it's cringeingly painful. I'm embarrassed for the author.

I don't understand why the AV Club continues to cover tired slogs like Modern Family while dropping The Mick and other shows that still have life in them.

"I'm glad Annalise finally realized that Wes was her surrogate son."

FitzZorn would be interesting.

Meanwhile at A.V. Club, is Kayla no longer covering The Mick?

Meggie's a medical student, Hon.