
"Aside from when Ben spent the entirety of the episode watching grossly inappropriate movies (which had a big nothing as the payoff)…"

"-viola davis… (sometimes i call her khaleesi for obvious reasons)…"

"…it gives us the allusion of the Pemberton’s finally winning…"

I said nothing about "lazy writing." I specified dramatic license, wherein elements of reality are ignored in service of the story being told.

Just as the writers take considerable license with legal procedure and courtroom deportment, the also play fast and loose with with the medical side of life (Laurle's heaving gasping breathing while intubated leaps to mind). There are numerous external/nonsurgical observations ME's make that can point to reasonable

I think that phrase is criminally overused, frankly.

He said it himself: sugar pills.

"On that note, I love Mickey and Alba’s fake birthday song. I know every sitcom has to have one because you have to pay copyright otherwise. Or at least, that used to be true! Did you guys know that 'Happy Birthday' might become part of the public domain soon?"

"And I’m pretty surprised at the idea that you can just…pick up an IUD
with an insertion stick wrapped up in plastic like a toothbrush!
Wouldn’t the free clinic people want to insert it there? Wouldn’t they
want to talk to the patient…"

Where are they registered to vote?

Like others who've spent a long career in the medical profession, I go crazy when TV shows attempt to portray medical procedures. Note to HTGAWM writers: intubated patients cannot make heavy breathing sounds no matter how hard they're battling caregivers — they just can't, because they're intubated.

Read the comments. Someone mentioned it about eleven hours ago. #boom

It's "And if this world runs out OF lovers." Hey listen, the show's use of music and TV references is anachronistic to start with. The action is set far enough in the future that those songs, oldies now, should be just about foreign to anyone but the most hardcore pop music follower. That Todd got the words wrong

So? I said there are probably more females.

Do we know that she died?

You may well be right about that. I'm working from memory as I have no way to watch the episodes again, and it's perfectly conceivable that I'm remembering it inaccurately.

Thank you, Jesus! No repackaged, belabored Season 2.

Count on it. Scream Queens got a second season, and McFarlane has something in development — hopefully it's something far more clever and less derivative than his more recent outhouse scrapings.

Did "Containment" make it to air? I couldn't be bothered with it and it's recycled premise.

I'm so disappointed. Words cannot express how disappointed I am. They'll retread lame crap like Wayward Pines and Scream Queens til the Second Coming, but smart funny sitcoms can't get a break.