
Now you got it!

Picking Biden removes the #1 attack that will be waged by Republicans:

Protection and expansion of the ACA- you can direct my $10 to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

From day 1: Beat Donald Trump. Which, turns out, with 15,000 people dead in big part due to his incompetence, is the number 1 most important issue in America for 2020.

And I have no idea where you’re getting the notion that support for gay marriage “tanked again” at any time leading up to Biden supporting it.

Here’s the thing:

It’s good that you can’t.

The cold, hard truth of American politics is that the SECOND you can pin down an opponent’s policy position, you can frame it and fire away, and those centrist voters that you absolutely must win are easily spooked.

That’s why the GOP is so much better at national elections

Those pissbabies were always going to vote for Trump.  

Adjacent to this is his notable lack of work to prepare anyone else to take over the movement-it’s been the Bernie show from day one, and he’s given no indication that he wants anyone else on center stage. These are not new criticisms, and realistically I think if he wanted to get his agenda into the White house, he

“This wasn’t helped by excessive attention given to small but vocal segments of Sanders’s aggressive online supporters.”

Ultimately, it was decided in the courts, but part of that journey involved the administration instructing the DOJ to stop defending laws like DOMA in the courts, and Biden was the first and highest ranking member of that or any administration to publicly endorse the concept of same sex marriage (all but forcing the

C’mon. He didn’t just avoid singing their parties praises, he was actively antagonistic.

“and his tendency to avoid certain niceties—singing the Democratic party’s praises, buttering up the press—made him an abrasive figure for some”

Bernie’s “base” are the exact type of people who endlessly complain, and when given a golden opportunity to actually change their circumstance, can’t be bothered to get off the couch and actually exercise their basic civil responsibility.

And when we do have a progressive democratic candidate trying to figure out why and compromising to help bring more people around to progressive ideals, we need to not tear them down because they don’t pass this Christ Like purity test!

Many still unfairly hold Sanders accountable for Clinton’s defeat in 2016, and his tendency to avoid certain niceties—singing the Democratic party’s praises, buttering up the press—made him an abrasive figure for some.

His pissbaby supporters are all over twitter congratulating trump for four more years.

It would not surprise me to see more of Sanders’ supporters run and win in districts all over the country,

Who don’t spend as much money on their campaign as the guy who’s not quite as rich?

I agree with Bernie’s policies, but the purity standards of his campaign were always untenable. When he could have been a leader for showing people how to make progress within an idealistic agenda, he doubled down on his undemocratic, magic-wand promises like canceling student debt without congressional approval. Most

Anyone who doesn’t think this hasn’t already been decided is fooling themselves. This is going to be a digital convention. Facts on the ground made this the case months ago, now. Why anyone is twisting themselves out of shape over press statements is beyond me.