
Except I’m not saying the movie is bad. I’m not saying anything about the actors ability in the movie, the plot, anything.

The amount of damage control going into this is not a good look, nor does it bolster your sales. The amount of straight-up apology tour we’re getting before it even comes out tells me that Disney knows they have a brick on their hands.

Best part of the show: guy doing his laundry. Period.

I’ve said it so many times occasionally other posters take me to task over it, but a Hallmark of a Berlanti-produced show is that they are all either too lazy or incompetent to consistently make narrative sense. They set up a world and characters then regularly refuse to follow the rules of said world and said

I so want to love this series, but then I watch it.

Data is too old to be Data.

Meh. It’s a Kurtzman joint - be happy the throttle didn’t explode.

This is probably sacrilege, but I kinda think they should have considered recasting someone besides Spiner as Data, or used a different/descendant android to fill the narrative role. Spiner is really only good to play Dr Soong at this point.

We’re still in denial and proclaiming racism as some type of geographical thing. 

Racists have abandoned basketball long ago in Philly.  They also can no longer afford to live in Philly.  Joel is good.  

Between this and the FUCKTOMB, I could not possibly love Philly sports fans more.

Seriously though, fuck Sean Rodriguez 

Well, thank you Dan and Sean Rodriguez for putting me straight on the matter. Going forward, now, when S-Rod comes to bat after going 1 for 20-something, instead of booing, I’ll take his feelings more into account. Instead, I’ll yell something like: “I say, Mr. Rodriguez! With all due respect and meaning no harm

This headline is everything wrong with STRANGER THINGS.

at some point the kids gotta be like, what’s happening to us is eerily similar to various things happening in the movies we’re watching, lol

seriously - when it is so easy to identify and lift out whole plot points that are lifted from other works (like American Horror Story) it isn’t ‘homage’ anymore....

I’ve watched all of Stranger Things, and have enjoyed it overall. I don’t believe it deserves the hype it gets and feel that, for the most part, it’s like listening to a cover album of your favorite songs. Sure, they are songs you know and recognize them—and part of that is fun—but at some point you realize that none

At what point does all of this stop being them paying homage to the 80s and start becoming lazy writing/directing? Some of these just seem thrown in because they can’t think of their own shit to do...

“The answer is yes,” Feige said of Valkyrie having an LGBTQ storyline. “How that impacts the story remains to be seen with that level of representation you’ll see across our films, not in just Thor 4.

He is correct that people are only preferring her because of her femaleness and her fresh youthful 69 years (the oldest woman running?) Not because of any intrinsic virtue of hers as a candidate? For real?