
Seriously what is this article?

There’s now literally no reason for Bernie supporters to not jump ship to Warren, an actual, viable candidate for the DNC.

Unless, of course, they were sexist dipshits all along.

At a certain point, the league actually has to reign this in, don’t they? Actual suspensions for this? Because the Warriors really think they have the moral high ground here, and don’t seem to see any internal problem. It’s just a matter of time until one of them Nick Van Exels a ref into the scorers table.

Brit here. You are the first person ever to commit the phrase ‘British rail has their act together’to print. Never thought to see this in my lifetime. Will be copying this comment to everyone in my address book. And photographing this screen to prove that a real person actually said this.

“Ilhan Omar made some tweets, and was blamed by many for feeding into rising anti-Semitic violence with her words. And Chelsea Clinton was the one who opened the flood gates on that shit.”

Jews were upset that her phrasing was highly adjacent to coded language about Jews having dual loyalties that have been used

Bernie Sanders supporters acting like assholes? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters being completely irrational about the Clintons? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check. How much do you want to bet at the planning meeting

Trump is going to win so easily in 2020.

If you agree with the protesters about Clinton’s rhetoric contributing to this massacre, can you tell me how? I don’t get it.

I love how this is basically completely opposite from the narrative you tried to shove into everyone’s reading spheres for the last month.

Bernie hasn’t changed at all. That’s his appeal.

This is all so stupid. You can’t take the worst thing about someone and then use that as an excuse to condemn someone else for offering them faint praise in spite of it. Especially when there was probably political motivation behind it, as was almost certainly the case with the Paul Ryan example above.

Bernie has a lot to answer for. He ran a deeply misogynistic campaign. He encourage and sanctioned his Bros to harass women and non-supporters (but mostly females who had the temerity to hold different views). Moreover, his Bros were key in spreading Russian propaganda. I don’t think any feminist can forget how his

Nononono. That would split the vote.

So... I have to ask, does LeBron James or Rich Paul have your family or multiple Deadspin writer’s families held hostage? Because there is no reason for this website to keep carrying their water other than your dear old mom having a .44 magnum held against her head and your dad’s penis being in some sort of jigsaw

100 percent agree. This is an absolutely disgusting invasion of privacy no matter how Emily feels about the subject. The tone of this article is foul and should be edited or re-toned, that or the story on the nude photos of “the fappening 🤢” should be linked to this article so everyone can critique the

Agreed. This should not be made light of. Especially by a news site whose parent site was basically destroyed by the publishing of non-newsworthy sexual material without the subjects permission.

This flippant tone seems really inappropriate when covering a horrendous invasion of privacy. Revenge porn is a form of sexual assault. This is not a “dick measuring contest” between two men, it’s one man revealing threats of sexual assault made against him by another. I get that Bezos is not a pleasant person, but I

No? How about the requirement to “ensure that the public receives appropriate ownership stakes and returns on investment” (section (4)(A)) that is specifically stated in the bill Ms. Ocasio-Cortez presented? I’m sure that their constituents will be _overjoyed_ to learn that the ‘Green New Deal’ will require that the

Put out a pie in the sky outline with less detail than her skincare routine and when “centrist” (AKA EVIL) dems criticize its feasibility she can accuse them of not caring about the environment/being beholden to corporate donors, maintain her fighter cred and get a slew of articles about how revolutionary she is and

no you don’t understand, it’s the LAKERS! They sell themselves, or something, because it is 1992