
There’s nothing “bad” about this interview.

The way the crowd started chanting for Foles as he was being checked on the sideline and erupted as he made his way back to the field was unreal. I’m not even a Philly fan, but that just hit me in the feels and made the FG drive one of those moments to witness.

As a family physician, your take is utter bullshit.

Y’all laugh, but the email from that PR flack has raised awareness of the Irish Rugby Mike McCarthy with us, the high-class Deadspin readership, so... good job Sheila?

Hey there, what’s with the gratuitous old-folks bashing? Some of us old-school fans watch the CW all the time.

(Says the guy who remembers watching George Reeves as Superman on our old black-and-white TV, but who still watches SUPERGIRL and LEGENDS OF TOMORROW religiously.)

And you’re completely and utterly wrong. Flawed, hell yes. But it’s nonetheless the best Superman movie ever made (number 2 is The Iron Giant). Granted that’s not hard to do given its awful initial sequels, the Singer dull reboot/sequel and completely an utterly wrong Murderman reboot, but to say that there’s nothing

You really don’t get it? Its literally trying to bring in people who were turned off by Zack Snyder’s dark interpretation on the Man of Steel. Hell, everything about Supergirl is anti-DCEU, this is just an extension of that. “Hate Superman killing everyone and just being insane? Well here is him and Lois hanging out

Vermonters rarely oust incumbents. I am a registered democrat, and typically vote for more liberal/progressive candidates. But, like many of my cohorts, I supported Scott over Hallquist in this election. Why? Because I was satisfied overall with his performance over the past two years, feel his experience is

Maybe I am the minority but I prefer women who don’t like makeup. The excuse that makeup helps build confidence is a lie in every way imaginable.

Just wait until they discover The Root. Sparks will fly.

At times, I read shit like this and really regret going to Penn State. I legitimately had other options, but it was inexpensive and has a pretty good engineering school. I just tell myself that I’m not one of these zealots, I got a good education, and without my time there, I wouldn’t have met some of my best friends.

Penn State had a marathon read (reading a book start to finish aloud, with different people volunteering) and Sue Paterno was the first reader in its inaugural year. The book was Catch-22, which Joseph Heller wrote at PSU way back when. She refused to pronounce the word ‘shit’ on the first page, and was visibly

Everyone loves to shit on the Philly fans for being vicious but the patience, support, and love they've given to a just barely 20 year old who is under pressure few of us can comprehend should be commended. Go Sixers. 

My thoughts exactly. Absolutely nobody on Tatooine, Cloud City, or Endor seemed to care about the Empire or the rebellion until storm troopers showed up.

See also, “You know of the rebellion against the Empire?”

Look, I can’t get involved. I’ve got work to do. It’s not that I like the Empire; I hate it, but there’s nothing I can do about it right now... It’s all such a long way from here.

This is one of the most New Yorkiest New York thing I’ve ever heard. “I went to see a show on Broadway and I don’t understand why the rest of world isn’t taking about it!”

Oh, fine. Whatever. Yes. Sure. Fine. Russian bots did it.

Holy fucking shit, STOP. PEOPLE DIDN’T LIKE THE MOVIE. A LOT OF PEOPLE. They weren’t Russian bots, or incels, or entitled fans, or gamergaters, or white supremacists, or entitled white incel Nazi Russian toxic masculine entitled manboys. Stop. The box office drop off from the previous film is indicative that the group

I’m not sure I understand your very obvious anger. What does you not growing up in a market that especially enjoyed this game have to do with it being successful elsewhere?