
here’s a little colin:

Calm the fuck down there, Black Mirror.

You’re fucking delusional.

Totally. It’s hard. It’s good they tried. But I was surprised when I was told that no people of color worked on the adventure directly. That would have been a good start.


Your definition of “regular people” seems off, to me. I know literally *zero* people (friends, family, coworkers) who’d like to watch a graphic HD video of bodies getting shot into meat doilies by high-speed rifles this week.

This is why USA needs gun control. Australia did it back in 1996 after the Port Arthur massacre; It was one of the few good things that the Prime Minister of the time achieved while he was in office.

You do not need semi or fully automatic weapons for hunting or self defence. It is very unlikely that a gun will save

When Trump announced the ban, he said he’d made the decision “in consultation with my Generals,” an assertion which now begs the question: And which generals might those be?

*Company releases the 673rd Military Shooter of the year*

No, I’m sorry. The answer is racism. Racism is the reason people voted for Trump. Thanks for playing though.

They shouldn’t be wasting time and resources arresting them at all. Not all crimes are equally wrong, or worth wasting resources on. Lots and lots of things are illegal, and we don’t simply dole out law enforcement resources equally to all of them. We prioritize.

“Why do we only care about separating families as a result of a crime being committed is illegal immigration?”

They never said anything remotely as over the top idiotic as Trump and you know it. Neither has ever called for an entire country to be destroyed because of the megalomania of their leader. Obama and Clinton understand diplomacy, unlike the orange clown who is so used to people doing whatever he said because he paid

The designers even sculpted the face with both McGregor and Alec Guinness in mind

The next time someone complains that violence is not the answer, ask them why the hell we as a culture glorify war heros, football and the second ammendment. Violence is THE American answer.

Area man believes that extraterrestrials might exist based on reasonable extrapolation of observed data. News at 11.

Did you see her in this picture? :(

So it can’t be an Indian woman because all Indian people are doctors or engineering students?

I’m not trying to be rude but stereotyping all South Asians as “doctors or engineering students” is kind of severely racist/ignorant even if it’s supposedly “positive” and it’s astonishing that someone would do that and just not think anything of! It’d be a bit like if they had black guy who was a hopeless klutz and a

I think you may be reading too much into the character description. Nowhere does it say she’s “brainless”. She could just be a slacker.