
Me not wanting to pay for other people’s stuff makes me soulless? That’s a pretty hot take.


Smoking hot take, snowflake. It’s as if you know nothing about which you’re speaking.

I look forward to the tepid non-apology apology from Collins and the conservative media burning her in effigy.

Fuck you

Bunk! BvS and MoS were great marketing for why NOT to go see WW for an awful lot of people. I get it makes some people soooooo angry to say bad things about Snyder’s version of the superhero (like... they’re a bit murder-y for a lot of people’s taste), but the reality is the movies were at best controversial. It

I literally have not seen a single movie from the DCU but saw Wonder Woman 4 times in the theater.

Turns out to be a fake in 3...2...1...

Mary, school nurse in Indiana: Caught her breast cancer early because she could afford to get regular mammograms

Does he plan to speak with the millions of people who the ACA has helped to balance out his perspective? Listen to ‘both sides’, give the other side a chance, as the Republicans have been bleating the last six months?

Body cams that can be turned off by the wearer are pretty fucking pointless.

And why are the people advocating microdosing always like, middle aged?

Yeah, no, being gay is the gayest thing ever, and waaaay more awesome than hazing. A+ would be non-heterosexual again.

Hazing is the gayest shit ever.

The “gayest” shit ever? You couldn’t find literally any other way to express yourself other than a homophobic slur?

Good. They’re little more than Old Boys Networks that bully and harass under the name of “Brotherhood”.

Well, since Black Twitter already dragged her I have another question. Why the hell is Miss South Africa white?

It’s just gotten to the point that news like this just depresses me. It’s just another reminder of the kind of thing that’s supposed to obviously matter, but that obviously isn’t going to.

Pretty excited to never unsee that.