
“Your honor, I’m an engineering professional. Please allow me use of this whiteboard to explain in excruciating detail exactly why you’re wrong.”
*Furiously free body diagram until the case is dropped.*

I love being a Mech E.

I would have lost my shit and started chucking my university physics text books the moment that brake question came up. Well not really, those things were expensive. PLANES OF REFERENCE MOTHER FUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT!

Imo, the minute you’re taking time out of your day... being pulled over, filing appeals, going to court... you lose, even if you “win” in the end.

This is bullshit. You’re probably right, but it’s downright sad.

“absolute badass in the courtroom.”

“Nobody cares what you THINK. We don’t need opinions here.”

The CX-5 is the same size class as the Escape/RAV-4/CR-V/etc., the CX-3 is competing with the HR-V/Jeep Renegade/Nissan Juke sizewise while the CX-9 is competing with the Highlander and Pilot.

Personally, I like the new one’s styling a lot more. The hood doesn’t look as ungainly where it meets the windshield, and all things considered they did a pretty good job “dechunkifying” the design theme. The 2017 model looks a lot sleeker and refined while still having that pronounced front end and shoulders that

why didnt you complain about Obama spending

The US is over a dozen trillion in debt and the GOP wants to ramp up spending (like they did the last time they were in power). It’s time to wind down this “world police” nonsense. We are telling our citizens that millions of them will have to go without healthcare so that we can spend hundreds of billions policing

What are you talking about? Belle went around doing nothing but reading and feeling superior to everybody in the town, and all the hard working people were ticked off at her. Gaston was arrogant, but he actually did a lot of things to prove he was worthy of adoration. Belle snickered at other people’s marriages when

Hey Elon,


Almost right. The flanges on the wheels are actually responsible for keeping the train from coming off the track. For slight curves and straights is where the angle on the wheels, or“fast angle”, comes into play. It keeps the axles in the middle of the track and off of the flanges. This movement is known as “hunting”.

Because badge-engineering worked so well until 2008

Jesus Christ. How worthless of a human being do you have to be to want to steal someone else’s hard earned property and then when you are too inept to use it yourself you have to kill an innocent person?

The better question is why we don’t just stay on DST permanently. Winter is miserable regardless.

Sure. On the highway, the vast majority of crossovers don’t have the horsepower to break the tires loose even in the wet. Just yesterday I drove to work on a icy highways and all wheel drive would only have been useful for hard acceleration from a stop. What I find you really need are decent tires. Everyone has

I drove an autobox CX-5 and honestly, it was lovely.

So you’d like a bunch of soldiers to die so that someone you didn’t vote for can be shamed? That seems reasonable. You’re clearly one of the good guys.