
Is this going to fix the issue the old number scoring had, where it was no way possible that a $30,000 car would outscore a $200,000 purpose built track car?

How DARE they make a profit! LOL

Why are you so salty about a manufacture making money?

Reading is fundamental - she already had 9 points prior to this

Wolff was worried about her status as a role model

How can a single actor in a multiple actor event be 100% at fault....but also “everyone screwed up”?

Except the driver who posted the video says that if they hadn’t slowed down to allow the motorcycle to split, they would have been the one to hit the car. If there’s a speed differential, the onus to change lanes safely into the faster lane is on the person entering it.

Yesh. I think the car taking the video would have stopped in time. He would have been pissed about it, because he got cut off, but he would have stopped in time.

And here’s a thought for someone that’s further ahead in life than you: go take a college course in finance. If I can finance a $15,000 car at 2% interest and then instead of paying cash, fund an investment that returns 5-10% for me, while you paid $15,000 plus fees up front for a car, I paid what, $350 a month for 48

So... never planning on buying a house until you have the full price squared away? This really isn’t much different, assuming you consider a car a necessity and not a luxury.

My pizza dinner is a rapidly depreciating asset.

And thinking of cars as simply “rapidly depreciating assets” is also dumb. In exchange for the depreciation, you get very valuable transportation.

Financing in and of itself is not a gimmick, or dumb.

The loans was give at subsidized rates. The government shouldn’t be in this business. They also still give tax breaks to the rich for buying a Tesla. Then they ruin the roads with their heavy ass EVs and don’t pay any road Taxes. The time will come for electric cars the government doesn’t need to force it.

Should really be a three option system of good/meh/bad. Maybe you weigh scores differently based on which other movies they and you have rated. Five stars is kind of stupid. Did I really like something 3 or 4 stars? Who knows. I’d have an easier time telling you whether I liked it as opposed to what actual grade I

Exactly. And why change anything if California and Europe’s regulations aren’t going away?

Hey, remember when Gawker did pretty much the same damn thing and it was “ok” by everyone at Gizmodo? How’s this any different?

I’m not blaming them, I’m just mentioning in every single thread that this could have been avoided and getting mad when anyone refuses to acknowledge that this could have been avoided. That’s totally different from victim blaming.

Right, go crash your 2017 S500 and see how long it sits at the shop.